A pior música do mundo

E eis que, de repente, ele brota no meio da playlist. A pior música do mundo.

Muito bom esse comercial criado pela agência Rosapark para a rede francesa de supermercados Monoprix.

Assista, no final você entende. Quem disse que não dá para fazer coisa boa no varejo?

A Pior Música do Mundo


Já botei na minha playlist. ;)


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Brand: Monoprix
Brand Management: Florence Chaffiotte, Nicolas Gobert, Stéphanie Jallet, Angeline Froger
Agency: Rosapark
Co-founders: Jean-Patrick Chiquiar, Gilles Fichteberg et Jean-François Sacco
Strategic Planning Manager: Sacha Lacroix
Account Management: Fanny Desvignes, Quentin Barbaray, Charlotte Giraud
Strategic Planning: Alexandre Ribichesu, Sarah Herbain
Creative Directors: Gilles Fichteberg et Jean-François Sacco
Art Director: Nazgol Athari-Nejad
Copywriter: Hélène Boudin
TV Producer: Thomas Laurent
Associate Director: Quentin Labat
Client Director: Lucile Wissocq
Head of Digital Strategies: Jeanne Neuschwander
PR: Mélanie Colléou

Production: Stink
Director: Traktor
DOP: Nico Poulsson
Producer: Marine Garnier
Production Direction: Guillaume Richard
Image Postproduction: Firm
Postproducer: Toby Ridgway
Editing: Yann Malcor
Sound Postproduction: Schmooze
Musical Composition: Simon Davis



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