Adam Sandler e Jimmy Fallon em “Não Toque na Vovó”

Adam Sandler e Jimmy Fallon em "Não Toque na Vovó" Adam Sandler e Jimmy Fallon em "Não Toque na Vovó"

Adam Sandler e Jimmy Fallon se uniram na bucólica composição “Don’t Touch Grandma” (não toque na vovó), cada um tocando e cantando de sua casa, claro. A preformance faz parte da edição caseira do The Tonight Show.

A Letra

I love my Grandma so much, I know she loves me too.
But thanks to this stupid virus, there are some new Grandma rules.
Don’t touch Grandma, leave her alone
You can spend a quarter to call her on the phone,
Because Grandmas like to pinch your cheeks and kiss your hand and hug, but I don’t want my Grandma catching any superbug
So don’t touch Grandma, keep it to Zoom,
or learn to play Canastra from across the room,
Grandmas want to knit you sweaters and to bake you cookies,
But you must tell your Grandma no touchy, just lookie,
Don’t touch Grandma, give her some space,
Even if your Grandma wants to go to second base,
And when this thing is over, you and she can play,
But for now, still can smell the Grandma smell from 6 feet away.

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