Home Autorais “Before Us”: new eBook on adaptability shows how nature has already solved issues that seem current but are ancient

“Before Us”: new eBook on adaptability shows how nature has already solved issues that seem current but are ancient

Our new series on ADAPTABILITY (our favorite topic) shows how ants, birds, monkeys, octopuses, and bees already deal with all of this long BEFORE US!


Traffic jams? Fake News? Social media? Procrastination? Remote work?

Our new series on ADAPTABILITY (our favorite topic) shows how ants, birds, monkeys, octopuses, and bees already deal with all of this long BEFORE US!

All these problems are indeed associated with modern life, but not necessarily the way to deal with them. Very similar dilemmas have challenged nature for millions and millions of years!

As I always say, “Update or Die!” is the golden rule of this planet since day one. And all living beings, whether from the animal or plant kingdom, face similar challenges in a continuous process of adaptation, both physically and behaviorally. And, as we have learned in the Theory of Evolution, those who adapt better move forward (not the strongest, but the most adapted to the current conditions).

Before Us


Adaptability is undoubtedly one of nature’s greatest assets and a fundamental quality for us, human beings, especially in the turbulent times we live in. For nature, the ability to adapt means survival and thriving in the face of climate changes, environmental alterations, and evolutionary pressures.

Similarly, for humanity, adaptability has become more crucial than ever. With a constantly changing world, impermanence has become the only certainty. Whether in the technological, social, or even climatic aspect, the capacity to adjust, learn, and evolve is what allows us to face challenges, find innovative solutions, and thus thrive amidst changes.

In this book, we will learn how ants manage their congestion, how Drongo birds use “Fake News” to steal food (and what their victims have already learned to do to prevent these Fake News from being wrongly interpreted), how bees operate remotely for the benefit of the entire hive, even from a distance, or how monkeys prioritize qualitative relationships over quantitative ones.

On Gumroad:

“Before Us” (PDF or ePub – ideal for Kindle, Apple Books, etc)

Or on Koji (option with a preview of the first chapter):

“Before Us” (PDF or ePub – ideal for Kindle, Apple Books, etc)

Written by
Wagner Brenner -

Fundador, CEO e Editor-Chefe do Update or Die. Ex-Diretor de Criação Senior da McCann-Erickson, apaixonado por inovação, criatividade, referências e IA.

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