Confira a parte do SXSW que vai continuar acontecendo extra oficialmente

Muita gente que estava programada para comparecer ao SXSW 2020 resolveu manter os planos de passar alguns dias em Austin. Isso porque, apesar do SXSW não acontecer mais “oficialmente”, muitas atrações que estavam programadas, principalmente na parte de festas e shows, vão continuar acontecendo já que bandas e estabelecimentos estão entrando em acordo direto. Muitos dizem até que é uma grande chance de experimentar o SXSW como era antigamente, mais autêntico e menos comercial.

O Austin Chronicle tem uma lista com alguns desses eventos.

Unofficial Parties & Free Shows

PorchFire House, 1105 22 1/2   $10

PorchFire Fest w/ the Irons (11:15), Being Dead (10:30), Merry Jane & the Fondas (9:45), Manifest Destiny’s Child (9:00), Baby in the 90s (8:30), Hey Cowboy (8:00), Sweet Pill (7:30), Self-Help (7:00), Luvweb (6:30), Lefty Parker (6:00)

Cheer Up Charlies, 5pm   FREE

Dankfest w/ Being Dead, Capture Phase, Closed for Cleaning, Dorio, the Freakout, Hotmom, Indoor Creature, Luvweb, Leche, Mamalarky, Manifest Destiny’s Child, the Pinky Rings, Sasha & the Valentines, Thin Skin, Van Mary

Dirty Dog Bar   FREE

Dirty Fest w/ Deceived by the Fallen (12:30am), Under Subsidence (11:45pm), Immerse (11:00), Edge of Destiny (10:15), Astrixion (9:30), Stitched Up (8:45), Rōzy (8:00)

The Dogwood, 4pm   RSVP

Open Door showcase w/ Lauren Lakis, Love Hate Affair, Light Wheel, Memory Keepers, Most Modern Band, Paper Saints, Urban Heat, Vockah Redu, DJ Fredster

The Electric Church, 4pm   FREE

Friday the 13th showcase w/ Batty Jr., Zettajoule, Bali Yaaah, Jack Ferarra, Pelvis Wrestley, Los Alcos, Gumma, Parker Clone

Empire Control Room & Garage, 7pm   RSVP

Music Tech Mashup day one w/ Paul Oakenfold, Govinda, Kilgo Beats, Zettajoule, John Vincent III [garage]; Violent Vixen & Vibe Vessel present Over the Rainbow [control room]

Flamingo Cantina   FREE

South by San Anto day one w/ Young Costello (12:30am), Madaline (11:30pm), the Big News (10:30), RCAs (9:30), Radio Tierra (8:30), Lloronas (7:30), Digi & Freddie O (6:30)

Hotel Vegas, 6:30pm   RSVP

Do512 presents Galactic Interactive w/ Capyac, Pnthn, Manny Wave, Me Nd Adam, the Lagoons, Con Man, Ladi Earth, Lord Friday the 13th, Lake South, CJ Run

Kick Butt Coffee   GET TICKETS

Dissent Records presents Daikaiju (12:30am), the Dead Coats (11:30pm), Worm Suicide (10:30), Dream Reamer (9:00), Dream Eater (7:30), Bird Casino (6:00) [stage one]; Gools (9:45), Cactus Flowers (8:15), Time Thieves (6:45) [stage two]

Musx, 3pm   GET TICKETS

ATX Spring Fling w/ Psychotic Reaction (9:00), Acid Carousel (8:00), Holy Death Trio (7:00), King Country (6:00), Blue Lacy (5:00), Mugdog (4:00)

Nasha, 5pm   FREE

South by Free East w/ A.M. Feelgood, Loolownigen, Whit, Ladyfang, Mode Dodeca

The North Door   FACEBOOK

KVRX presents Amygdala (12mid), Black Mercy (11:15pm), Leche (10:30), Dregs (9:45), Friday Boys (9:00)

Orf Brewing   FREE

Rock on B Block w/ Strays (12:45am), Psychotic Reaction (12mid), King Country (11:15pm), the Boleys (10:30), Billy King & the Bad Bad Bad (9:45), Rattlesnake Milk (9:00), Holy Roller Baby (8:15), the Mackays (7:30) [Chop stage]; Luke & the Lonely (11:00), Anna Milk (10:00), Ian Brown (9:00), Natalie Price (8:00), Modern Day Midas (7:00), Dripping Sun (6:00), Dream Eater (5:00) [Orf stage]

Spider House Ballroom   FREE

Yeast by Sweet Beast Fest w/ Implodemute (1:30am), Saak (12:45), Pyrethrum (12mid), Dream Body (11:15pm), Nøkken + the Grim (10:30), Episodic Memory (9:45), Many Birthdays (9:00), Line of Fire (8:15), Cinders Ensemble (7:30), quttinirpaaq (6:45), Vincent Carlton Oscillator (6:00) [inside]; Waco Girls (10:00), Life Coach (9:15), Ana Barajas (8:30), Gumbasso Profundo (7:45), UBA (7:00), Murdertits (6:15) [outside]

Spokesman, 7pm   FREE

Imaginary Stereo w/ Cuadroped, Star Fighter Dreams, Long Tongue, Mothr, Brainwavve, Statx, Lofi Moshpit, Rob From Garden StreetSATURDAY, MARCH 14

PorchFire House, 1105 22 1/2   $10

PorchFire Fest w/ Young June (11:15), Daphne Tunes (10:30), Stunts (9:45), Why Not (9:00), Nine Blind Men & the Tiger (8:30), Top Nachos (8:00), Carol (7:00), Other Vessels (6:30), Redbud (6:00)

1118 Gunter   $10 DONATION

SPiSW w/ Indoor Creature (9:00), Animals for Hands (8:00), Being Dead (7:00), HYAH! (6:00), Chillbill (5:00)

Dirty Dog Bar   FREE

Dirty Fest w/ Green Jellÿ (1:00am), We Are William (12:15), October Roar (11:30pm), As Am I (10:30), Sleep Juliet (9:45), Matt Perry & the Socialites (9:00), Rev. Rob Mortimer (8:15), Bayou City Outlaw Band (7:15), Cooke (6:30)

Empire Control Room & Garage, 7pm   RSVP

Music Tech Mashup day two w/ Questlove, D’Vibes Super Jam, 5-D, Dred Scott [garage]; ElectrOrganics w/ Cha Zui, Trouble in the Streets, Lunar Eclectic, Viben, Lando, Bobal, Steven Sullivan [control room]

The Far Out Lounge & Stage   FREE

Sonidos Locales w/ Los Alcos (10:45), Nemegata (10:00), Cosmic Chaos (9:15), Jeff Hortillosa (8:30), Mamis (7:45), Roleros Cosmicos (7:00)

Flamingo Cantina   FREE

South by San Anto day two w/ Metanoia (12mid), Nova Lux (11:00pm), Rats!Rats!Rats! (10:00), Mr. Pidge (9:00), With All Sincerity (8:00), Extent (7:00), Black Eye Blonde (6:00), Cooper (5:00), Nothing Lost (4:00), Coffee & Alcohol (3:00), the Void (2:00), Chris Torres (1:00)

Hotel Vegas, 2pm   FREE

Soundcheck Saturday w/ White Denim, Calliope Musicals, Annabelle Chairlegs, Sailor Poon, TC Superstar, the Bad Lovers, Country Legend Roky Moon, Crypt Trip, & more

Kick Butt Coffee, 2pm   FACEBOOK

SXSatellite w/ Carnage Guisada, Economy Island, Firebird Keys, Fire Walk With Me, Gentlemen Rogues, Inks Lake, Jay Satellite, Man the Rokket, Paris Falls, Pip Samson, SkyAcre, Spectral Sea, Startographers, Stella & the Very Messed, the Swift Drag, Take Us to Tomorrow

Love Goat   FREE

Pi Day Party w/ Souls Extolled (12mid), Richard Parker Triad (11:00pm), Oreja (10:00), Personality Contest (8:00), Allepakcok (7:00), Why Not (6:00), Sweet Pill (5:00) [downstairs]; Venus Loves Mars (9:00), Flight by Nothing (8:00), Phoenix Knight (7:00), Sarah & the Sundays (6:00) [upstairs]

One-2-One Bar   MORE INFO

Womanifest nonprofit networking concert w/ Nagavalli (6:00), Siobhan O’Brien (5:15), Patricia Vonne (4:30), Giulia Millanta (3:45), song swap w/ Sonya Jevette, Claudia Nygaard & Kay Miracle (3:00)

Scratchouse, 9pm   FREE

Hurricane Veridian w/ Nyzzy Nyce, Shabani, Drizz b2b Sora, Rizz0, Psilocyben, Mezzi Mae, Neetso, Royal Calvin, Pure Static, RxX (Arkaid), Mosley Water

Spider House Ballroom   FREE

Yeast by Sweet Beast Fest w/ Pastel Dynasty (1:30am), MC Trachiotomy (12:45), Naughty Pie (12mid), Lucid Dementia (11:15pm), ST 37 (10:30), No Deads, (9:45), Psionnosaur (9:00), Aunt’s Analog (8:15), Aurora Plastics Company (7:30), Xerocat (6:45), Josh Ronsen & Vanessa Gelvin (6:00), Chris Petkus (5:15), Apache Suicide (4:30), Out of Orbit (3:45), Soary (3:00), the Concerned (2:15) [inside]; Stuntdriver (9:30), Tech Ridge Boys (8:45), Castle Club (8:00), Abigail und Hansel (7:15), Lunitas (6:30), Blind Texas Marlin (5:45), Cyclop Toad (5:00), Murex (4:15), Moths Guild (3:30), Korperschwache (2:45), MC Terroristic (2:00) [outside]SUNDAY, MARCH 15

Carousel Lounge   FREE

Yeast by Sweet Beast Fest w/ ManifestiV (11:30), Bad Ties (10:45), Atlas Maior (10:00), Dikeman Aca Duo w/ Jonathan Horne (9:15), Ouiness (8:30), Zenoctave (7:45), Wilfred Brimley’s Secret Mission (7:00), 7-Inch Stitch (6:15), Unlucky Beekeeper (5:30), Night Viking (4:45), Slow Coyote (4:00), Epop Nivek (3:15), & more

Cedar Street Courtyard   CANCELED

British Music Embassy presents Chainska Brassika (10:30), Hardwicke Circus (9:40), the Wandering Hearts (8:50), Bess Atwell (8:00)

Cheer Up Charlies, 5pm   RSVP

Cyberbabes: A Femme & Queer Showcase

Dirty Dog Bar   FREE

Dirty Fest w/ Her Worst Nightmare (12mid), God Rat (11:15pm), A Tragedy at Hand (10:30), Mudd Flux (9:45), Beneath the Fallen (9:00), Santa Oscuridad (8:15), Last Battle (7:30), the Homewreckers (6:45), Alex Winters Band (6:00), the Amber Bugs (5:15)

Empire Control Room & Garage, noon   RSVP

Music Tech Mashup crawfish boil w/ White Denim, Sir Woman, Nané, Eric Tessmer, Torino Black, Jelly Ellington, Lunar Rae, Cilantro Boombox, Beat Root Revival [garage]

Flamingo Cantina, 5pm   FREE

Punk vs. Rockabilly w/ Burn Ban, Hellfury, Chump, Lochness Rockers, Danger*Cakes, the Smokin’ Burnouts

Hole in the Wall   FREE

KVRX presents Grivo (11:15), Bloody Knives (10:30), Sweet Pill (9:45), Raavi & the Houseplants (9:00)

Hotel Vegas, 1pm   FREE

Austin Town Hall vs. Side One Track One w/ Blackillac, Mobley, Calliope Musicals, Sun June, BLXPLTN, Como Las Movies, PR Newman, Kae Astra, Blood, Being Dead, A. Sinclair, Lola Tried, Otis Wilkins, Nevil, Mountain Time, Zettajoule, Tyler Jordan & the Negative Space, Nané, the Sour Notes, Van Mary, Ama, Gabe Hascall, Half Dream, Emme, Dorio, Exercise, Rad Gnar, Holiday Music, the Blowies, Animals on TV


Swamp Sister x Citrus City presents Dos Monos (12mid), THC (11:15pm), Hey Cowboy (10:45), Mind Shrine (10:00), Charles Irwin (9:30) Shormey (9:00), Hello Joyce (8:00), Alfred (7:30), GlazeFL (7:30), Malik (6:30), Coffin Fits (6:00)

Nasha, 3pm   FREE

South by Free East w/ Botany, Brainwavve, Gamma Velorum, Crystal Voyager, Heavy Stars

One-2-One Bar, 2pm   MORE INFO

Girl Guitar showcase

Parish, 5pm   RSVP

South by Cypher w/ Magna Carda, Harry, Kydd Jones, Deezie Brown, Mike Melinoe, JSoulja, GhostBoy Jay$ee, the Teeta, Vace

Sahara Lounge   $5

Secret Soup Fam Bam w/ Peppermint Kiss (1:00am), Modular Sun (12mid), Rvrct (11:00pm), the No. 44 (10:00), Cosmic Chaos (9:00), Chillbill (8:00), Mr Meringue (7:00), My Mistress (6:00), Gumma (5:00), the Blands (4:00)MONDAY, MARCH 16

Cheer Up Charlies   FREE

The Nothing Song showcase w/ Poppies (12:30am), Narrow Head (11:30pm), Astragal (10:30), Pale Dīan (9:30), No Swoon (8:30), Wet Dip (7:30)

Dirty Dog Bar   FREE

Dirty Fest w/ Independent Limb (11:15), Embrace the Machine (10:30), Fostermother (9:45), Laughing Falcon (9:00), Surrender Stella (8:15), Sign of Lies (7:30), Oreja (6:45), Que Diablos (6:00), Byråkrat (5:15), Rev. Rob Mortimer (4:30), the Tangs (3:45), Sleepsleep (3:00), Adwaith (2:15)

The Far Out Lounge & Stage, 5pm   $5

Off the Radar w/ Indoor Creature, Bobby Oroza, the Naked Tungs, Hex Boyfriend, CJ Run, Slideshow, Dottie

Hole in the Wall   $5 DONATION

Stars by Stars at Night w/ Nowherebound (12mid), the Butts (11:30), Better Now (11:00), Despero (10:30), From Parts Unknown (10:00), the Murtaughs (9:30), Dylan Disaster & the Revelry (9:00), Hellfury (8:30), Big Loser (8:00), Top Nachos (7:30), AstroGat (7:00), niiice. (6:30), Raine Mara (6:00), Taking Meds (5:30), & more

Hotel Vegas, 2pm   RSVP

Do512 & Covert Curiosity present Strange Brew 9 w/ Automatic, Being Dead, Blood, Carla Geneve, Corridor, Didirri, Divino Niño, Dumbo Gets Mad, Good Morning, Holy Wave, Hooveriii, Magic Rockers of Texas, Mean Jolene, Mezerg, O’Keefe, Peach Almanac, Psychic Bloom, Quiet Oaks, Smiile, Sailor Poon, Sea Moya, Shopping, Silver Synthetic, Snotty Nose Rez Kids, the Orielles, Thigh Master

The Jackalope   FREE

Balanced Breakfast day one w/ Kosha Dillz (5:00), Let’s Mars (4:00), Space Giant (3:00), Lost Puppy Forever (2:00), singers in the round w/ Dred Scott, AlexisRose & Zack Freitas (1:00), singers in the round w/ Forest Sun, Jealous Zelig, Tess Posner (noon)

Love Goat   FREE

Goat x Goat West Fest w/ Mr Blue (12mid), Richard Parker Triad (11:00pm), Jeb Bush Orchestra (10:00), Blue Tongue (9:00), Ghost Committee (8:00), Convict Hillbillies (7:00), Alyssa Joseph (6:00), Rubber (5:00) [downstairs]; Snailmate (9:00), Late Nite Laundry (8:00), Futon Blonde (7:00), Ilsa Umbre (6:00), Nautical Nation (5:00) [upstairs]

Metropolis Apartments   DONATIONS ENCOURAGED

Swamp Sister presents Hello Joyce (8:55), Cry Baby (8:15), They Hate Change (7:35), Winona Forever (6:55), GlazeFL (6:15), Late Nite Laundry (5:35), Charles Irwin (4:55), Indoor Creature (4:15)

Touché   FREE

Rock XS w/ Waking the Sleeper (12mid), Fingers & Sunshine (11:00pm), Munn (10:00), Wild Fire (8:30), Matthew Flock (7:30), Alex Winters Band (6:30), Tony Rodriguez (5:00), James L. Stone (4:00), Julie Bouchard (3:00)TUESDAY, MARCH 17

House Johnson, 3417 Cedar   $5

House Johnson III w/ Lunar Vacation (9:45), Hall Johnson (9:00), Spendtime Palace (8:15), Fashion Jackson (7:30), Young June (6:45), Nordista Freeze (6:00), Daphne Tunes (5:15), Why Not (4:30), Sleep Well (3:45), Mírame (3:00), Indoor Creature (2:15), Sour Widows (1:30), Cry Baby (12:45), Brody Price (noon)

Fortress of Updog, 9201 Quail Cove   $5

Swamp Sister presents Cry Baby (7:35), Marem Ladson (6:55), Winona Forever (6:15), Charles Irwin (5:35), They Hate Change (4:55), TC Superstar (4:15), Warik (3:35), Hello Joyce (2:55), GlazeFL (2:15)

4th Tap Brewing Co-op, 7pm   FREE

TX Chip presents Square by Squarewave w/ Skybox, Yufi, Noggin, St. Peter Lemon, the Mysterious H, B-Knox, Star Fighter Dreams

Banger’s Sausage House & Beer Garden, 11am   FREE

Smokin’, Shamrocks & Shenanigans w/ Molly Taylor & Denton Hatcher, Brad Stivers, Rochelle & the Sidewinders

Barracuda, noon   RSVP

Winspear & Sooper showcase w/ Kaina & Sen Morimoto, Divino Niño, Ratboys, Slow Pulp, Kevin Krauter, Kate Bollinger, Disq, Long Beard, Model/Actriz, Why Bonnie, Ness Heads, Heaven Honey, Ruby Watson

Big Easy Bar & Grill   FREE

Aunt Cindy’s Wicked Waltz day one w/ Blood Blood Blood (10:15), Clever Girls (9:30), Naked Tungs (8:45), Big Bill (8:00), Patti (7:15), Thick Paint (6:30), the Freakout (5:45), Old Lady (5:00), Strange Foliage (4:15), Necking (3:30), Surf Rock Is Dead (2:45), Girl Friday (2:00), Sleeping Jesus (1:15) [inside]; Humbird (7:15), Los Peces de Cristina (6:30), Little Coyote (5:45), Sonoda (5:00), Girl Skin (4:15), Half Dream (3:30), Grumpy (2:45), Ailbhe Reddy (2:00), Anna Fox (1:15), & more [outside]

Buffalo Billiards   FREE

101X day party

C-Boy’s Heart & Soul   $7 AT THE DOOR

Swollen Circus w/ Walter Salas-Humara & Los Leones de Tejas (11:40), Bird Streets (11:20), Casey Neill (11:00), Hilary York (10:40), Mitch Webb & the Swindles (10:20), Demitasse (9:40), the Bergamot (9:20), Larry Seaman & the Kirby Mao (9:00)

C-Boy’s Heart & Soul, 2pm   FREE

Shooks day party w/ Nané, Sadie & the Ladies, the Cuckoos

Continental Club, noon

Rare Clover day party w/ Whitney Rose & more

Dirty Dog Bar   FREE

Dirty Fest w/ Souls Extolled (5:15), Twin Void (4:30), Via Linda (3:45), Let’s Mars (3:00), the School (2:15), Anne Eliza (1:30)

The Drafting Room   CANCELED

PMA Global Street Farm day one w/ Christian Lee Hutson (5:00), Esme Patterson (3:30), Frances Quinlan (2:00), Kate Bollinger (12:30)

The Electric Church   $5

The Cosmic Stew w/ Acid Carousel (1:00am), Hooveriii (12mid), Triptides (11:00am), Cosmic Chaos (10:00), the No. 44 (9:00), Rvrct (8:00), Sunshrine (7:00), Sci-Fi Country (6:00), Psychotic Reaction (5:00), Chillbill (4:00)

The Far Out Lounge & Stage, 2pm   RSVP

Shred Paddy’s Day w/ the Well, Naked Giants, Cable Ties, Crows, Flower Graves, Dream Reamer, Psychic Bloom, the Mammoths, Stuyedeyed, Crystal Rippers, Hooveriii, Bryce Bangs, High Waisted (DJ set), & more

Hole in the Wall, 3pm   FACEBOOK


Hotel Vegas   FREE

SXSWASS: Texas Edition w/ Post Mortem Response (7:00), Narrow Head (6:15), On Being an Angel (5:35), Blank Hellscape (5:05), Burnt Skull (4:30), American Friend (3:55), Crazy Blade (3:25), Weaponry (2:50), Evil Mommy (2:15)

Hotel Vegas, 1pm   FREE

Spring Break Boogie kickoff w/ the Spits, White Denim, Protomartyr, Sailor Poon, Spray Paint, Annabelle Chairlegs, Blood, Rotten Mangos, Smiile, TC Superstar, Borzoi, the Stacks, Moving Panoramas, Mamalarky, Nolan Potter’s Nightmare Band, Calliope Musicals, & more

The Jackalope   FREE

Balanced Breakfast day two w/ IndiviDúo (5:00), Float Like a Buffalo (4:00), Dream Feed (3:00), Blue Oaks (2:00), Zealand the North (1:00), singers in the round w/ She’s Excited!, AlexAlco & Aurora D’Amico (noon)

Lazarus Brewing Co.   FREE

Music for Listeners day one w/ Mauskovic Dance Band (7:00), Surfer Blood (6:00), Adwaith (5:00), Bodywash (4:00), Corridor (3:00), Good Morning (2:00), Jordan Mackampa (1:00), False Heads (noon)

Love Goat   FREE

Goat x Goat West Fest w/ the Woulds (12mid), Pongo (11:00pm), Hit Like a Girl (10:00), Sleeve Cannon (9:00), Blue Tongue (8:00), Cassandra Elese (7:00), Moon Kissed (6:00), Christina LaRocca (5:00) [downstairs]; HexGirlfriends (9:00), Gardenia (8:00), the Chairs (7:00), Space Gators (6:00), Faux Furrs (5:00) [upstairs]

The North Door, 8pm   FREE

Exploded Drawing Sound Summit w/ Mono/Poly, Mndsgn, Black Taffy, Juicy the Emmissary, Blvck Spvde, Botany, Rob From Garden Street, Heavy Stars, Soundfounder & Butcher Bear [main stage]; Pax, TV Blonde, Immrcy, Chemtrails, Lungfulls, Limalo, m-cubed, Corbin Cary, & more [lounge stage]

Sahara Lounge   $5

For Spite presents East X East Austin w/ Torino Black (12mid), Cheap Wave (11:15pm), Brother Moses (10:30), Andy Clockwise (9:45), Fertility House (9:00), Sweet Pill (8:15), Thanya Iyer (7:30), Kay Odyssey (6:30), Christine Renner (6:00), Lee Bains III & the Glory Fires (5:15), Cut Throat Finches (4:30), Little Slugger (3:45), Pongo (3:00)

Saxon Pub   FREE

Ben Goldsmith (1:45am), the Young Somethings (1:00), Deanna Wheeler (12mid), Dylan Doyle (11:00pm), Walt Wilkins (10:00), Robynn Shane (9:00), the Keepers (8:00); Johnny Chops (4:30), Caleb & the Homegrown Tomatoes (3:45), the Walks of Life (3:00), Wink Keziah (2:15), Buenos Diaz (1:30), Landon Bullard (12:45), Nobody’s Girl (noon)

Scratchouse   FREE

Texas Tipoff w/ DJ Michael Watts, Lil Flip, Chucky Trill, GT Garza, Krystall Poppin, W8OTW, & more

Side Bar   FREE

HFA/Rumblefish party w/ the Orielles (5:30), Kill Birds (4:30), Lunar Vacation (3:30), Poppy Jean Crawford (2:30), the Wants (1:30)

Spider House Ballroom   FREE

Aunt Cindy’s Wicked Waltz day one w/ WOW (12:45am), Korine (12mid), As Above/So Below (11:15pm), Total Chroma (10:30), Parlor Walls (9:45), Blushh (9:00), Grivo (8:15), Eternal Crimes (7:30), Grlwood (6:45), Boyo (6:00), Deserta (5:15), Cindy Cane (3:45), Deeper (3:00), Legal Vertigo (2:15), Bodywash (1:30), Ada Lea (12:45) [inside]; Sorry (9:00), Cindy Cane (8:15), Tino Drima (7:30), Hotel Lux (6:45), Qlowski (6:00), the Wants (5:15), Flyying Colours (4:30), Ziemba (3:45), New Strangers (3:00), No Swoon (2:15), Marble Arch (1:30), Childcare (12:45) [outside]

Still Austin   FREE

Whiskey Rocks w/ Releaser (9:00), Break Light City (8:00), Tay & the JangLahDahs (7:00), Bonnet (6:00), Oreja (5:00), Joe Barksdale Band (4:00), Brooke Josephson Band (3:00), Silver & Smoke (2:00)

Touché   FREE

Rock XS w/ Lady Starbeast (12mid), Neapolitan (11:00pm), Dusty G & Heartache (10:00), Forrest & the Fire (8:30), Johnny Fury (7:30), Anthony Wright (6:30), Iron Rations (5:00), Angelina Rose (4:00), Gordy Garris (3:00)WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18

2511 Diaz   FREE

MASH Movers & Keeled Scales day party w/ Friendship (5:00), Julian Neel (4:15), Tenci (3:30), David Dondero (2:45), Merce Lemon (2:00), Native Harrow (1:15), Half Dream (12:30)

The Austin Beer Garden Brewing Co.   FACEBOOK

Jackson Family Wines & Trinchero Family present Women Who Rock w/ Thelma & the Sleaze (5:00), Lechuza (4:00), Don’t (3:00), Esbie Fonte (2:00)

Banger’s Sausage House & Beer Garden   CANCELED

StubHub Trending day one w/ Night Moves (6:00), Overcoats (5:00), Devon Gilfillian (4:00), Great Grandpa (3:00), Partner (2:00)

Barracuda   RSVP

Weekday at Barry’s w/ Wire (5:00), Spray Paint (4:00), Sailor Poon (3:00), Borzoi (2:00)

Big Easy Bar & Grill   FREE

Aunt Cindy’s Wicked Waltz day two w/ Sadie & the Ladies (11:00), Cindy Cane (10:15), Borzoi (9:30), Knife Wife (8:45), Ghost Car (8:00), Max Pain & the Groovies (7:15), Fever Beam (6:30), Kino Kimino (5:45), Miranda & the Beat (5:00), Ladyfang (4:15), Frankiie (3:30), Goodbye Honolulu (2:45), Hearty Har (2:00) [inside]; Native Sun (7:15), Blivet (6:30), Smock (5:45), Deadbeat Beat (5:00), Strange Lot (4:15), Top Nachos (2:45), Acid Carousel (2:00), Stuyedeyed (1:15), Nordista Freeze (12:30), Oregon Space Trail of Doom (noon) [outside]

Blind Pig Pub   GET TICKETS

Rock XS w/ Aubrey Hays Band (10:00), Kevin Max (9:20), CB & the BB (8:40), Decoyote (8:00), Lipstick Kid (7:30), Kat Whitlock (7:00), Matt Ostrander (6:30), Natalie Price (6:00), Chris Taylor (5:30), WDRL (4:00), Gandhi’s Gun (3:00), Broken Soul (2:00), Shelly Knight (1:00)

Buffalo Billiards   FREE

101X day party

C-Boy’s Heart & Soul, 5pm

Lafayette Live!

Cedar Street Courtyard   CANCELED

British Music Embassy presents Life (5:30), Far Caspian (4:40), Miro Shot (3:50), Babeheaven (3:00), Childcare (2:10)

Cheer Up Charlies   RSVP

AdHoc Free for All day one w/ Shopping (5:30), Mal Blum (4:30), Sarah Shook & the Disarmers (3:30), Porridge Radio (2:30), Sorry (1:30), Dehd (12:30) [outside]; HTRK (5:00), Shady Nasty (4:00), Lunar Vacation (3:00), Cable Ties (2:00), Suburban Living (1:00), Christelle Bofale (noon)

Cherrywood Coffeehouse, 1pm   FREE

Future Rockers showcase w/ the Gnarly, Sarah & the Sundays, Perfect Season, Favor, Perth, Sneaky Peaches & the Fuzz, the Recreants, Live Another Day

Container Bar   CANCELED

Dr. Martens presents the Black Angels (6:00), the Coathangers (5:00), Protomartyr (4:00), Dry Cleaning (3:00), Surfer Blood (2:00)

Continental Club   FREE

Latinapalooza w/ Mariachi Las Coronelas (5:10), Patricia Vonne (4:10), Cecilia & the Broken Hearts (3:20), Texicana Mamas (2:20), Lolita Lynne (1:20), Pilar Andújar (12:30), Liah Alonzo (noon)

Cosmic Coffee + Beer Garden   $20 DONATION

Sun Radio Sessions day one w/ Katie Pruitt (6:00), Margo Price (5:00), Raul Malo (4:00), the Mastersons (3:00), Devon Gilfillian (2:00), Micky & the Motorcars (1:00)

Dirty Dog Bar   FREE

Dirty Fest w/ Sightlyne (5:00), Thoughtpilot (4:00), A Farewell to Nothing (3:15), Thadeus Gonzalez (2:30), Releaser (1:45), Marshall Law Band (1:00), Love Killed the Hero (noon)

The Drafting Room   CANCELED

PMA Global Street Farm day two w/ Ohmme (5:00), Friendship (3:30), Dana Williams (2:00), Smokey Brights (12:30)

The Far Out Lounge & Stage, 3pm   FACEBOOK

Haus of Femme

Flamingo Cantina, noon   FACEBOOK

Texas NORML’s Cannabis Kickoff

Guero’s Taco Bar   FREE

ComboPlate Booking presents BettySoo (7:15), Nathan Hamilton (6:25), Matt the Electrician (5:35), Raina Rose (4:45), Jeff Plankenhorn & Scrappy Jud Newcomb (4:05), Curtis McMurtry (3:20), Beaver Nelson (2:35), JM Stevens (1:50), Nobody’s Girl (1:05), Stephen Clair (12:30), the Better Halves (noon)

Hole in the Wall   RSVP

Ranch by Chicken Ranch w/ Duderonomy (7:30), Peelander-Z (6:30), Pinky Doodle Poodle (6:00), Komorebi (5:00), Five Eight (4:00), Mr. Lewis & the Funeral 5 (3:00), Thee Idylls (2:00), menwhopause (1:00), +/- [Plus Minus] (noon) [main stage]; El Solista (7:15)m, Chris Canterbury (4:30), Choco Blues Chop (3:30), Abhilasha Sinha (2:30), Holler & the Hand (1:30), the Derelicts (12:30) [front stage]; Rocket 808 (7:30), Swampmeat Family Band (6:45), JM Stevens (6:00), the Foreign Resort (5:15), Monta at Odds (3:45), the Brown Goose (3:00), Thief & the Architect (2;15), Lee Bains III & the Glory Fires (1:30), Flower (12:45), Scout Shannon & the Willing Deceivers (noon) [back stage]

Hotel San José, noon   FREE

South by San José day one w/ the Texas Gentlemen, Caroline Rose, Ezra Furman, Pom Poko, Early James, Fenne Lily, Lightning Bug

Hotel Van Zandt   $5 DONATION

ACL Radio’s Live Morning Broadcast day one (6am)

Hotel Vegas   CANCELED

Desert Daze day party w/ the Paranoyds (6:30), the Muckers (5:45), Mapache (5:00), Lightning Bug (4:15), Winter (2:45), Carla Geneve (2:00) [inside]; XIXA (6:30), Elephant Stone (5:45), Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs (5:00), Hooveriii (4:15), Automatic (3:30), Disq (2:45), Control Top (2:00) [patio]

The Jackalope   FREE

Balanced Breakfast day three w/ Balto (5:00), Glass Mansions (4:00), Hemorage (3:00), Tay & the JangLahDahs (2:00), Anna Milk (1:00), singers in the round w/ Emily Cole, Clementine Darling & Melody Federer (noon)

Kick Butt Coffee   FACEBOOK

Spring Thing w/ the No. 44 (1:00am), the Bobby Lees (12mid), Psychotic Reaction (11:00), the Boleys (10:00), Venus Twins (9:00), Mean Motor Scooter (8:00), Shred Flintstone (7:00), Wax Dream (6:00), Killer Whale (5:00)

Lamberts   FREE

C3 presents B+Q’s BBQ w/ Dan Luke & the Raid (5:15), Noga Erez (4:20), Junior Mesa (3:20), Hello Forever (2:30), Mobley (1:45), Rookie (12:50), Michigander (noon)

Lazarus Brewing Co.   FREE

Music for Listeners: Jazz for the Masses w/ Clunis, the Whale, Mike Casey, Timo Lassy & Teppo Makkynen, & more

The Liberty   FREE

El Solista (1:00am), 5W1H (12mid), Bandits on the Run (10:20pm), the Fontanelles (9:30), Chihiro Yamazaki & the Route 14 Band (8:40), Oregon Space Trail of Doom (7:50), Vision Kids (7:00)

The Lost Well   FACEBOOK

Saustex Records & Austin Corn Lovers Fiesta present Hickoids (12mid), the Genzales (11:00pm), Texacala Jones Pony Island Express (10:00), Harvey McLaughlin (9:00), Dogs & Diamonds (8:00), the Differentials (7:00)

Love Goat   FREE

Fiasco day one w/ Spendtime Palace, Winona Forever, Worn-Tin, Charles Irwin, Nordista Freeze, Peaer, Justus Proffit, Bum CHic, Superbody, Carol, Lite Nite Laundry, Space Gators, Venus Twins

Lucy’s Fried Chicken   FREE

Fried Chicken Revival day one w/ Ian Moore (6:00), Sweet Crude (5:00), Tomar & the FCs (4:00), Two Hoots & a Holler (3:00), me&you (3:00), Hilary York (1:00), Love & Chaos (noon)

Moontower Cider Company   FREE

For Spite presents InCider Showcase w/ Cowboy Diplomacy (9:45), Cheap Wave (9:00), Russian Baths (8:15), Lucky Baby Daddy (7:30), the Wants (6:45), Atlas Engine (6:00), Oh Honey No (5:15), Avery Leigh’s Night Palace (4:30), Pongo (3:45), Jenny Parrott (3:00)

The North Door, 8pm   RSVP

Peligrosa House

Precision Camera & Video   FREE

For Spite presents Turn Your Camera On w/ Honey Made (3:30), NuBlvckCity (1:30), & more

Sam’s Town Point, 2pm   FREE

Twisterfest! w/ Robert Mortimer, Mike Harmeier, Rattlesnake Milk, Armadillo Road, Leo Rondeau, Cactus Lee, Mary Batiatta, Jonathan Tyler, Tender Things, Croy & the Boys, Wild Bill

Saxon Pub   FREE

Ben Goldsmith (1:45am), Western Youth (1:00), Liah Alonzo (12mid), Sheridan Reed (11:00pm), Shelley King (10:00), Leone (9:00), Wendy Colonna (8:00); Hardy Har (4:30), JJ Wilde (3:45), Hounds (3:00), Anna Shoemaker (2:15), Belako (1:30), Esme (12:45), the Keepers (noon)

Scholz Garten, 11am   FREE

Wabi Sabi Pig Roast w/ Mona Rosa, Lunar Gold, Strange Lot, Nemegata, Trace of Lime, Tatro Gordon, the Eastern Leaves, A. Sinclair, Pocket Sounds, Matt Gilmour, Bird Streets, Booher, Moving Panoramas, Altamesa, Silver Bars, the Red Cassettes

The Scoot Inn, noon   RSVP

C3 Management presents Houndmouth, Michigander, Adam Melchor, Mobley, Little Stranger, Hello Forever

Shangri-La   CANCELED

Midcoast Takeover day one w/ Not a Planet (9:45), the Many Colored Death (9:00), Victor & Penny (8:15), Snailmate (6:45), Harvest Thieves (6:00), Big Foot Chester (5:15), Kadesh Flow (4:30)

Still Austin   FREE

Whiskey Rocks w/ Amittai Blakk (9:00), Float Like a Buffalo (8:00), the Complaints (7:00), FC Westcott & the Aficionados (6:00), Xtevion (5:00), the Homewreckers (4:00), Booher (3:00), the Festive Years (2:00), Yella Belly Band (1:00)

Thicket   FREE

Sierra Vernon (8:15), Stephanie Kong (7:30), Convict Hillbillies (6:45), Mason Kinard (6:00), Shaun Peace (5:00)

Touché   FREE

Rock XS w/ the Heroine (12mid), Thadeus Gonzalez (11:00pm), Audioroad (10:00), Touch the Buffalo (8:30), Arthur Valenzuela (7:30), Brianna Musco (6:30), Love Sick Radio (5:00), the Tankerays (4:00), Ruel Thomas (3:00)

Unit 108, noon   $5

Taco Keggar Day Party w/ Mt. Grey, Dr Scientist, God Shell, Food Group, Blacktooth, Live Well, Lady Chops & the Goddamn Jam, Sharif Mekawy

Volcom Garden   RSVP

Volcom x Levitation launch party w/ Frankie & the Witch Fingers (6:00), Holy Wave (5:00), Ringo Deathstarr (4:00), Elephant Stone (3:00), Hooveriii (2:00)

Volstead Lounge   FREE

Desert Daze day party w/ Art d’Ecco (6:00), Poppy Jean Crawford (5:15), Christian Lee Hutson (4:45), Esme Patterson (4:00), Vanishing Twin (3:15), Kate Bollinger (2:30); Me X Mer Mo w/ Left Limbs (5:00), Aunt’s Analog (4:40), Gyza (4:00), Gamma Velorum (3:00), Niemand (2:40), Super Deep (2:00), Timothy Wiens (1:00)

Waterloo Records   CANCELED

Algiers (6:00), Katie Pruitt (4:30), the Panhandlers (3:00), Sweet Lizzy Project (1:30)

Yeti Flagship, 1pm   CANCELED

Yeti Music Fest day one w/ White Denim, Caleb Caudle, Charley Crockett, Jeremie Albino, Wood & Wire, Sweet Crude, the Aquadolls, S.G. Goodman, Caroline Rose, Tré BurtTHURSDAY, MARCH 19

1501 Cesar Chavez   FREE

Spite Nites at Blue House day one w/ Fools (12:30am), King Woot & the Holy Nah Nah (11:45pm), Cheap Wave (11:00), Upsetting (10:15), Sharkmuffin (9:45), Lovelorn (9:00), Termination Dust (8:30), Fever Beam (8:00), Screamin’ J (7:30), Irrevery (7:00), Super City (6:30), Richard (6:00), Jealous (5:30), Hot Garbage (5:00), Bird Streets (4:30), Stuyedeyed (4:00), the Blowies (3:30), the Zells (3:00)

Audubon Society, 1805 Broadmoor, 7pm   GET TICKETS

Fixin’ T’ Folk Shit Up w/ Apes of the State, Out of System Transfer, Crow Cavalier, the Rifleman LV, the Window Smashing Job Creators

The Austin Beer Garden Brewing Co.   FACEBOOK

Rambler presents the ABGB House Party w/ PR Newman (11:00), the Joe Jacksons (10:00), Strahan & the Good Neighbors (9:00), Garrett T. Capps (8:00), Henri Herbert (7:00); Yard Dog party day one w/ Jon Langford & the Far Forlorn (6:00), Churchwood (5:15), Casey Neill & the Norway Rats (4:30), Bob Schneider (3:45), Wild Seeds (3:00), Dream Syndicate (2:15), Dressy Bessy (1:30), Walter Salas-Humara (12:45), William Harries Graham & Jon Dee Graham (noon)

Alamo Drafthouse HQ   FREE

Devil Duck Records presents Crash Gallery (6:00), Whiskey Shivers (5:00), Gunner & Smith (4:00), & more

Anderson Mill Pub, 8pm   FACEBOOK

Crushkill presents Carnage the Executioner, Slop Musket, Desdamona, Lisa Vazquez

Banger’s Sausage House & Beer Garden   CANCELED

StubHub Trending day two w/ JP Saxe (6:00), Naia Izumi (5:00), Lunar Vacation (4:00), Tomar & the FCs (3:00), Almost Monday (2:00)

Batch Craft Beer + Kolaches, 7pm   FREE

Heterodox Records & AnimaSonic present Lost Cat Magnet (10:30), Try Not to Make Sounds (9:30), Crystal Voyager (8:30), Gift Culture (7:30)

Better Half Coffee & Cocktails, noon   FREE

Thrasher Death Match day one

Big Easy Bar & Grill   $5 DONATION

Crafted Sounds Family Vacation w/ Sammi Lanzetta (11:25), Peaer (10:45), Flower Crown (10:05), Merce Lemon (9:25), Bethlehem Steel (8:45), the Zells (8:05), Shormey (7:35), Pope (6:55), Maneka (6:15)

Blind Pig Pub   FREE

Rock XS w/ Ricky Duran (9:00), Will Breman (8:00), Calling for Eden (7:00), Love Killed the Hero (6:00), Forrest & the Fire (5:00), Heart of Jordan (4:00), Atomic Summer (3:00), Handsome Pete (2:00), Anastasia Richard (1:00)

Buffalo Billiards   FREE

101X day party

Cedar Street Courtyard   CANCELED

British Music Embassy presents Output Belfast w/ Ryan Vail & Elma Orkestra (5:30), Ryan McMullan (4:50), the Wood Burning Savages (4:10), Lilla Vargen (3:30), Pat Dam Smyth (2:50), Gross Net (2:10)

Central Market North   FREE

Pull String Events presents Thor & Friends (8:00), the Halfways (7:00), Much 2 Much (6:00), Funkapotamus (5:00), Sanco Loop (4:00)

Cheer Up Charlies   RSVP

AdHoc Free for All day two w/ Rema (5:30), Banoffee (4:30), House of Lepore presents the Day Party Mini-Ball (3:30), Good Morning (2:30), Dry Cleaning (1:30), Model/Actriz (12:30) [outside]; DJ Taye (5:00), Okay Kaya (4:00), Otha (3:00), Los Retros (2:00), Disq (1:00), Girl Friday (noon) [inside]

Cherrywood Coffeehouse   FREE

Slime Fest w/ Plz Rspnd (9:30), Blue Tongue (9:00), the Loneliers (8:15), Mosey Jones (7:30), Security Culture (6:45), Partition (6:00), the Spider Ferns (5:15), Snailmate (4:30), Alien Ghost Magic (3:45), Coolzey (3:15), Joe Jack Talcum (2:45), Damn Selene (2:15), Raavi & the Houseplants (1:30), Mind Shrine (12:45), Mutha Falcon (noon)

Container Bar   CANCELED

Dr. Martens presents Junglepussy (6:00), Madame Gandhi (5:00), Ezra Furman (4:00), Ohmme (3:00), Kaina (2:00), Lido Pimienta (1:00)

Continental Club   FREE

Raul Malo day party w/ Whitney Rose (4:30), Sweet Lizzy Project (3:00), Dirty Streets (1:30), Reb Fountain (noon)

Cosmic Coffee + Beer Garden   $20 DONATION

Sun Radio Sessions day two w/ Charley Crockett (5:00), Ray Wylie Hubbard (4:00), the Texas Gentlemen (3:00), Band of Heathens (2:00), Sir Woman (1:00)

Dirty Dog Bar   FREE

Dirty Fest w/ Syn Nine (4:55), Post Profit (4:15), Hanna Barakat (3:35), Anything but Human (2:55), Black Satellite (2:15), the Simple Radicals (1:35), Surrender Stella (12:55), Autumn Academy (12:15)

Dive Bar & Lounge   FREE

Scratched Vinyl showcase w/ Olmeca (5:25), Lisa Vazquez (4:50), MexStep (4:15), scuare & no1mportant (3:40), Linqua Franqa (3:05), Protextor (2:30), Tåsi (1:55), Big Mic & DJ Berlin (1:20), SkyBlew (12:35), Coolzey (noon)

The Electric Church   FREE

Spring Thing w/ the Bobby Lees (8:00), the No. 44 (7:00), Bourgeois Mystics (6:00), Life (5:00), Being Dead (4:00), Gustaf (3:00), Top Nachos (2:00), Luke De-Sciscio (1:00)

The Far Out Lounge & Stage   FREE

Stoner Jam 20 w/ Duel (10:15), Rifflord (9:30), Greenbeard (8:45), High Reeper (8:00), White Dog (7:15), Tia Carrera (6:30), Crimson Devils (5:45), Blind Scryer (5:00), Warlung (4:15), Wizard Prison (3:30), Railhazer (2:45), Temptress (2:00) [Wicked Bad stage]; Electric Mud (10:30), Hazytones (9:45), Yatra (9:00), Gallivant (8:15), Black Maria (7:30), Smokey Mirror (6:45), Amplified Heat (6:00), Witchcryer (5:15), Thunderosa (4:30), Mezzoa (3:45), Lowdown & Out (3:00), Dresden Wolves (2:15) [Boss Radio stage]; Irata (12:15am), Bridge Farmers (11:30pm), Geezer (10:45), Void Vator (10:00), Rickshaw Billie’s Burger Patrol (9:15), Holy Death Trio (8:30), Age of the Wolf (7:45), Forebode (7:00), Desert Suns (6:15), Monte Luna (5:30), Acid Roulette (4:45), Graveyard Witch (4:00), Black Earth (3:15), Source (2:30), Deserts of Mars (1:45) [Worshiper stage]

Flamingo Cantina, noon   FREE

The Rendezvous in ATX w/ Nuwamba, Official Booshay, Anastasia, Show Tyme, Vendeta Baby, TNT, Moon Newbill, Gallowayyys, Shug Avery

Friends   RSVP

Planetary & 30th Century Records present Eliza & the Delusionals (4:30), Poppy Jean Crawford (3:40), Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard (2:50), Baba Ali (2:00), Jack River (1:15), Big Search (12:25), Hachiku (11:40am)

Full Circle Bar   FREE

Aunt Cindy’s Wicked Waltz day three w/ Alex Nicol (7:15), Dougie Poole (6:30), Kate Clover (5:45), Veronica Bianqui (5:00), Waltzer (4:15), Avery Leigh’s Night Palace (3:30), Bill & the Belles (2:45), Luke De-Sciscio (2:00), Dog in the Snow (1:15), Looms (12:30), Nino Soberon (noon)

Geraldine’s, 2pm   FREE

Austin Music Foundation presents Locally Grown Music showcase

GSD&M Advertising   CANCELED

Bloody Mary Morning w/ Houndmouth (1:30), Sweet Lizzy Project (12:50), Michigander (12:10), Naia Izumi (11:30am), Honey Harper (10:50), Devon Gilfillian (10:10) [backyard]

Guero’s Taco Bar   FREE

Frenchie Smith Records presents Tommy Rebel & the Righteous (7:15), Victoria Celestine (6:20), Dayeater (5:40), Chill Russell (5:00), Scott Collins (4:20), Calliope Musicals (3:40), Billy King & the Bad Bad Bad (3:00), the Cuckoos (2:20), Casino AM (1:40), Midnight Butterfly (1:00)

Hi Hat Public House   FACEBOOK

Sprang Thang w/ Sexy Finger Champs (7:00), Obnosticon (6:00), Adam Sultan Moment (5:00), Andy Nolte (4:00), Fontenelles (3:00), MC Hung Lo & the 4 Skins (2:00)

Hole in the Wall   CANCELED

The Grey Estates day party w/ Cheekface (6:30), Strange Ranger (6:05), Anna Burch (5:30), Boy Scouts (4:55), Field Medic (4:30), Short Fictions (4:30), Rosie Tucker (3:35), Disq (3:05), Pom Pom Squad (2:35), Bethlehem Steel (2:00); Women That Rock showcase w/ Moon Kissed (1:00am), Van Mary (12mid), Annabelle Chairlegs (11:00pm), Jo Graves (10:00), Pelvis Wrestley (9:00), Thelma & the Sleaze (8:00) [stage one]; Scout Gillett (1:30am), Madison Baker (12:30), Ess See (11:30pm), Whit (10:30), Half Dream (9:30), Vonne (8:30) [stage two]

Hotel San José, noon   FREE

South by San José day two w/ Houndmouth, Soccer Mommy, Overcoats, Kate Bollinger, Sweet Crude, AngelicaGarcia, Buffalo Nichols

Hotel Van Zandt   $5 DONATION

ACL Radio’s Live Morning Broadcast day two (6am)

Hotel Vegas, 2pm   FREE

Levitation day party w/ Black Lips, the Coathangers, Kokoroko, Automatic, Algiers, Vanishing Twin, Fenne Lily, Elephant Stone, Porridge Radio, Deca Joins, Kills Birds, the Shivas, Mauskovic Dance Band, Lightning Bug, Model/Actriz, T.V.O.D.

Independence Brewing Company   FREE

Pull String Events presents the Well (9:00), Heavy Branches (8:00), Daymares (7:00)

Kenny Dorham’s Backyard, noon   FACEBOOK

Texas Blues Society Summit

Kinda Tropical, noon   FREE

Burger Records’ Kinda Tropical Kick Back w/ Kiwi jr, Triptides, Mean Jolene, NIIS, Keen, Alien Tango, Kings of the Beach, Necking, LDP

Kitty Cohen’s, 2:30pm   FREE

Going Left Fest 2020 w/ The Blank Tapes (8:45), Datura (8:05), Killer Whale (7:15), BOYO (6:25), Sour Widows (5:35), Tino Drima (4:45), Kev Bev (4:05), Jeff Hortillosa (3:30), Motenko (3:00), Molly Taylor & Denton Hatcher (2:30)

Lazarus Brewing Co.   FREE

Music for Listeners w/ Marble Arch (7:00), Stealing Sheep (6:00), HTRK (5:00), Graham Reynolds (4:00), Kristin Hersh (3:00), Virginia Wing (2:00), Vanishing Twin (1:00), Tobin Sprout (noon)

The Liberty   FREE

Lovelorn (1:00am), Startographers (12mid), the Many Colored Death (11:10), Djunah (10:20), the Speed Babes (9:30), Strange Foliage (8:40), Jason Kane & the Jive (7:50), Blue Island (7:00)

Little Woodrow’s Sixth   RSVP

Party in My Pants showcase day one

The Lost Well   FREE

Big Daddy’s Hot Sauce showcase w/ Mortiferum (12:30am), Necrofier (11:30pm), Malignant Altar (10:30), Frozen Soul (9:30), Skeleton (8:30), Night Cobra (7:30), Ungrieved (6:00), Headcrusher (5:00), Serpentian (4:00)

Love Goat   FREE

Fiasco day two w/ Kevin Krauter, Divino Nino, Sean Henry, PHF, the Irons, James Swanberg, Poppies, Milly, Blivet, Indoor Creature, Cry Baby, Rick West, Faux Furrs, Moontype

Luck, Texas   GET TICKETS

Luck Reunion w/ Orville Peck, Amanda Shires, Shooks, Night Moves, Delta Spirit, Parquet Courts, Ian Noe, the Mastersons, Ian Ferguson, Palm Palm, Jeremie Albino, Sierra Ferrell, Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real, & many more

Lucy’s Fried Chicken   FREE

Fried Chicken Revival day two w/ the Dream Syndicate (6:00), Fastball (5:00), Grand Champeen (4:00), JM Stevens (3:00), Akron Calling: English Teeth & Friends tribute to the Clash and Pretenders (1:45), Big Wy’s Brass Band (1:00), Beaver Nelson (noon)

Lustre Pearl Rainey   CANCELED

Still a Free Country w/ Low Cut Connie (6:00), Sports Team (5:00), Joshua & the Holy Rollers (4:00), Balto (3:00), Robert Jon & the Wreck (2:00)

The North Door, 8pm   RSVP

Peligrosa House

Riley’s Tavern, 7pm   FREE

Folk Shit Up pre party w/ Johnny Lawhorn & the Pentagram String Band, Clyde Mcgee, Lulu & the Black Sheep, Rock Bottom String Band

Sam’s Town Point, 7pm   FACEBOOK

Mashed Potato & Normaltown Records Party w/ Daniel Romano, Sam Doores, Esther Rose, Ley Line, Kalen & Aslyn, Casey Jane, Chris Acker

Saxon Pub   FREE

Ben Goldsmith (1:45am), Jimmy De Talente & the Electric Revival (1:00), Kevin Daniel (12mid), Johnny Chops & the Razors (11:00pm), Lizzie & the Makers (10:00), the Walks of Life (9:00), Jesse Colin Young (8:00); GE Smith & LeRoy Bell (3:45), Karen Jonas (3:00); Nathan Graham (noon)

Scholz Garten, 11am   RSVP

Skylab 2020 w/ the Black Angels, the Sword, … And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead, Golden Dawn Arkestra, Kalu & the Electric Joint, Holy Wave, Think No Think, Megafauna, Residual Kid, Chris Catalena, Croy & the Boys, Alex Maas, Tender Things, Löwin, Buffalo Hunt, Sailor Poon, the Sideshow Tragedy, Qemistry, Como Las Movies, Urban Heat, Ponytrap, Thee Conductor, the Human Circuit, Tim Crane, Lance Breakfast, Peelander Yellow, Queue Queue, Galactic Protector, Midnight Stranger

Shady Grove   FREE

Black Fret day party w/ Sweet Spirit (6:00), the Black Tones (5:00), Otis the Destroyer (4:00), Harvest Thieves (3:00), the Deer (2:00), Tomo Nakayama (1:00)

Shangri-La   CANCELED

Midcoast Takeover day two w/ NuBlvckCity (10:30), the Fey (9:45), the MGDs (9:00), David Hasselhoff on Acid (8:15), Black Stacey (7:30), the UK’s (6:45), Jon Dee Graham (6:00), the Foreign Resort (5:15), Nathan Graham (4:30), Sleep Agents (3:45), & more

Side Bar   RSVP

Hipster Robots w/ Lee Bains III & the Glory Fires (6:00), TV’s Daniel (5:25), Surfer Blood (4:50), Kiwi Jr. (4:15), +/- [Plus/Minus] (3:40), Blushh (3:05), Beach Slang (2:30), Flower (1:55), Control Top (1:20), Near Beer (12:45), Cable Ties (12:10)

Spider House Ballroom   FREE

Aunt Cindy’s Wicked Waltz day three w/ Being Dead (9:00), Cindy Cane (8:15), Lord Friday the 13th (7:30), Pelvis Wrestley (6:45), Mean Jolene (6:00), Shadow Show (5:15), Pollen Rx (4:30), Miranda & the Beat (3:45), the Golden Fleece (3:00), Top Nachos (2:15), Condor & Jaybird (1:30), Fever Beam (12:45), Heaven Honey (noon) [outside]; Sour Widows (7:30), the Shivas (6:45), Ben Katzman’s DeGreaser (6:00), Dressy Bessy (5:15), Bad Waitress (4:30), Spendtime Palace (3:00), Quiche Night (2:15), Partner (1:30), Drew Citron (12:45), Fran (noon)

Spokesman, 3pm   FREE

Old Faithful Records showcase w/ Kae Astra, Yella Belly, & more

Still Austin   FREE

Whiskey Rocks w/ Rattlesnake Milk (9:00), the Cringe (8:00), Sarah & the Sundays (7:00), the Korkus (6:00), Shelly Knight Band (5:00), the Hormones (4:00), the Khost (3:00), Bird Streets (2:00)

Thicket   FREE

Have to Have (8:15), Personality Contest (7:30), TGan Mala (6:45), Blue Tongue (6:00), Space Corps (5:00)

Touché   FREE

Rock XS w/ Release the Reign (12mid), Learning Names (11:00pm), Dark Avenue (10:00), Shannon Book (8:30), TK Brown (7:30), Mark Winters (6:30), Shante Nicole (5:00), Chris Youmans (4:00), Ariadne Aberin (3:00)

Unit 108, 2pm   FREE

Prosthetic Records & Mathcore Index showcase w/ Amygdala, Meth., Glassing, For Your Health, Shin Guard, Olam, Dsgns

Vic Mathias Shores   CANCELED

SXSW Outdoor Stage day one w/ Milky Chance (8:30), JP Saxe (7:35), Overcoats (6:35), Max Frost (5:45)

Volcom Garden, 11am   FREE

Third Man Records day party w/ Redd Kross, Brendan Benson, Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs, Kevin Krauter, Control Top, Shopping, Hotel Lux, Dehd, Deadbeat Beat, the Paranoyds, Thigh Master, the Orielles, Knife Wife

Waterloo Records   CANCELED

Margaret Glaspy (6:00), Pokey LaFarge (4:30), Mapache (3:00), Dan Luke & the Raid (1:30)

Yeti Flagship, 1pm   CANCELED

Yeti Music Fest day two w/ Sir Woman, Junior Mesa, Houndmouth, Carys, Almost Monday, Dot Cromwell, Ren, Maude Latour, Sawyer, Mélat, Elah Hale

Zilker Brewing Co., noon   FREE

UTOPiA Sessions day oneFRIDAY, MARCH 20

1501 Cesar Chavez   FREE

Spite Nites at Blue House day two w/ Cowboy Diplomacy (12:30am), Caleb De Casper (11:45pm), Chris Conde (11:00), Black Cutlass (10:15), Sheverb (9:45), the Lonesome Heroes (9:00), the Swift Drag (8:30), Hi-Lux (8:00), Sex Magick (7:30), Greazy Alice (7:00), O’Keefe (6:30), Vic N’ the Narwhals (6:00), Weeping Icon (5:30), the Fin. (5:00), Sadie & the Ladies (4:30), Sleeping Jesus (4:00), Sleeve Cannon (3:30), the Smokestack Relics (3:00)

The Austin Beer Garden Brewing Co.   FACEBOOK

Austin Corn Lovers Fiesta presents Borealis Rex (11:00), Hickoids (10:00), Joecephus & the George Jonestown Massacre (9:00), Churchwood (8:00), the Sloths (7:00); Yard Dog party day two w/ Waco Brothers (6:15), Sarah Shook & the Disarmers (5:30), Vandoliers (4:45), Banditos (3:45), Jason Hawk Harris (3:00), the Yawpers (2:15), Zach Schmidt (1:30), Rookie (12:45), Big Cedar Fever (noon)

Austin Public, 2pm   FREE

A Citys Production presents Baby Peyote, David Barnard, Magic Moore, Washboard Tie Guy, Lili Lonelyhearts, Brown Acid

Banger’s Sausage House & Beer Garden   FREE

Piggyback Music Showcase day one w/ Gary Cain (10:00), Hot Pickin 57s (7:30), Sophie Johnson (5:00), Johnny McGowan’s Rugged Gents (2:30), Emily Herring (noon)

Barracuda, 11am   CANCELED

The Current + Eventbrite Music day party w/ M. Ward, Disq, Sports Team, Beabadoobee, the Murder Capital, Fenne Lily [inside]; Pokey LaFarge, Seratones, Thao & the Get Down Stay Down, Margaret Glaspy, Margo Price, Porridge Radio [outside]

Batch Craft Beer + Kolaches   FACEBOOK

Girls Rock Austin presents the Minks (9:40), Prom Threat (9:15), Crystal Voyager (8:40), Stretch Panic (8:05), Izzy Jane (7:40), Suna & the Strike (7:05), Robsie (6:30), Haunted Hollows (6:05), Parker Woodland (5:30), the Mothermold (5:05), Stella & the Very Messed (4:30), Micaela Salaverry (3:55), Whit (3:20), Lex the Lexicon Artist (2:45), Valerie the Vulture (2:15), New Fame (1:40), Linqua Franqa (1:05), Kaleidoscopes (12:30), Volk (11:55am), Magz Diaz (11:30)

Better Half Coffee & Cocktails, noon   FREE

Thrasher Death Match day two

Blind Pig Pub, 1pm   FREE

Rock XS

Buffalo Billiards   FREE

101X day party

C-Boy’s Heart & Soul   FREE

Chicha Summit day party w/ Superfónicos (5:20), Kiko Villamizar (4:30), Making Movies (3:40), Suenatron (2:50), Kiki Valera (2:00), Money Chicha (1:20), Nemegata (12:30)

Cedar Street Courtyard   CANCELED

British Music Embassy presents PVA (5:30), Weird Milk (4:40), Shygirl (3:50), Rosie Lowe (3:00), Siobhan Wilson (2:10)

Cherrywood Coffeehouse   FREE

Nice Bike (9:00), Gentle Ben (8:00), Sammy G (7:20), Boomershack (6:45), Redbud (6:00), Willowspeak (5:15), Marem Ladson (4:40), & more

Container Bar   CANCELED

Dr. Martens presents the Frights (6:00), Har Mar Superstar (5:00), Naked Giants (4:00), King Nun (3:00), Kills Birds (2:00), Honey Cutt (1:00)

Continental Club   CANCELED

AMG day party w/ Brendan Kelly (6:00), Vallejo (5:00), Sue Foley (4:00), the Minks (3:00), Love & Chaos (2:00), Laura Cantrell (1:00)

Cosmic Coffee + Beer Garden   $20 DONATION

Sun Radio Sessions day three w/ David Ramirez (6:00), Overcoats (5:00), Shakey Graves (4:00), Early James (3:00), Michigander (2:00), Sweet Lizzy Project (1:00)

Dirty Dog Bar   FREE

Dirty Fest w/ Plz Respond (5:15), Eye of the Bermuda (4:30), Avenue Rage (3:45), the Sedonas (3:00), Tyne Darling (2:00), Shaun Peace (1:15), Jimmy & & the Sidetracked (noon)

El Mercado South

Accomplice Entertainment presents Chris Toast & the Jerks (11:30), Blevins (10:15), I Ching Gatos (8:45), Tomás Ramírez Quartet (7:30)

The Far Out Lounge & Stage, 3pm   FREE

Dreamy Life Records showcase w/ Starfruit, Johndavid Bartlett & Acid Carousel, the Sloths, Cosmic Chaos, Sub-Sahara, Nervous Curtains, Ting Tang Tina, Shadow Monster, Same Brain, Don’t, Sur Duda, Desert Museum, Tidals, Thyroids, Genini, Big Heaven, Summerjob

Flamingo Cantina, noon   FREE

Bless the Mic w/ DJ Notion, Perseph One, the Village, Dred Scott

Full Circle Bar   FREE

Aunt Cindy’s Wicked Waltz day four w/ Shutterr (11:45), Gross Net (11:00), Flowerbed (10:15), Gewalt Band (9:30), Blank Hellscape (8:45), Gold Cage (8:00), No Swoon (7:15), Starfruit (6:30), Sub-Sahara (5:45), Gold Dime (5:00), Eternal Crimes (4:15), Wire Spine (3:30), Lower Tar (2:45), Monograms (2:00) [inside]; Blood (9:00), P.E. (8:15), Model/Actriz (7:45), Cindy Cane (7:00), Art d’Ecco (6:45), Life (5:30), Leya (4:45), Weeping Icon (4:00), Russian Baths (3:15), Suburban Living (1:45), Hnry Flwr (1:00), HÅN (12:15) [outside]

Geraldine’s, 8pm   FREE

Kessler Presents Austin showcase

Hole in the Wall   CANCELED

The Grey Estates day party w/ Worriers (5:40), Illuminati Hotties (solo) (5:05), Great Grandpa (4:30), Ratboys (3:55), Rosie Tucker (3:20), Mal Blum (2:45), the Paranoyds (2:10), Horse Jumper of Love (1:35), Hit Like a Girl (1:00)

Hole in the Wall, 7pm   FREE

Shifting Sounds showcase w/ Silver Bars, Ex-Optimists, Startographers, Gentlemen Rogues, Swallow the Rat, Holy Motor, & more

Hotel San José, noon   FREE

South by San José day three w/ the Posies, Dream Syndicate, A Giant Dog, Divino Niño, Friendship, Sofia Bolt, Honey Harper, the Still Tide

Hotel Van Zandt   $5 DONATION

ACL Radio’s Live Morning Broadcast day three (6am)

Hotel Vegas, 1pm   RSVP

The Austin Chronicle presents Hair of the 3-Legged Dog day party w/ Dallas Acid, Go Fever, Being Dead, Mike Melinoe

Kick Butt Coffee, 4pm   GET TICKETS

CHHK presents Keith Murray, CHHK crew, FOCI & Ben Buck, MC Homeless, Quanstar, Clay-Doh the World Destroyer, Weekdazed, Hipper Tribe Chief, Paulie Think, Matte, Muenster, Salva, Red Oktober, HaplogroupX, Tha Juan, Heir Max, Joey Alpha & WhoMI?, aLunar Landing

Kinda Tropical, 2pm   RSVP

Fiesta Destructo w/ Power Trip, Pissed Jeans, Otoboke Beaver, the Spits, Dwarves, Emily Wolfe, the Whiffs, Control Top, Stuyedeyed, Pitch Invasion, Wiccans, Starving Wolves, Sick Thoughts, NIIS, Crackdealer, & more

Lazarus Brewing Co.   FREE

Music for Listeners w/ Gary Davenport & Mannequin (7:00), Pom Poko (6:00), the Orielles (5:00), Tim Burgess (4:00), Keel Her (3:00), Malin Pettersen (2:00), & more

Leona Gallery, 4pm   FREE

Reptilian Records showcase w/ Sinking Suns, Hoaries, Bulls, Super Thief

The Liberty   FREE

BBQ Shack Showcase w/ Acid Roulette (12:30am), Tia Carrera (11:30pm), Good Eye (10:45), Black Mercy (10:00), Pinky Rings (9:15), Obnosticon (8:30), Shitbag (7:45), Dicky Wayne Vice (7:00), Halcon Cara (6:15)

Little Woodrow’s Sixth   RSVP

Party in My Pants showcase day two

The Lost Well, 9pm   FACEBOOK

Hell’s Heroes presents Helstar, Witchcryer, Shapeless Power, Amaru, Taverner, Hellfury

Love Goat, 5:30pm   GET TICKETS

Infinity Fest w/ Aiming for Enrike, Trashdog, Portage, Hawkins A/V Club, Speak Memory, Wait & Shackle, SubuTech, My Day at the Races, Erebus, Anime, Zingaro, Science Penguin, the Indecisive, Onion Bun, Inoculous, Guitar Fight From Fooly Cooly, Echo Lad, Goodwill Good Will, Hyper Olympic, Mángo

Luck, Texas   GET TICKETS

Luck Reunion w/ Orville Peck, Amanda Shires, Shooks, Night Moves, Delta Spirit, Parquet Courts, Ian Noe, the Mastersons, Ian Ferguson, Palm Palm, Jeremie Albino, Sierra Ferrell, Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real, & many more

Lucy’s Fried Chicken   FREE

Fried Chicken Revival day three w/ Chuck Prophet & the Mission Express (5:45), Shannon McNally & the Sexton Show (4:00), Ephraim Owens Quartet (3:00), John Doe Folk Trio (2:00), Beebe Sings Sahm (1:00), Bukka Allen (noon)

Lustre Pearl Rainey   CANCELED

Still a Free Country w/ Nikki Lane (6:00), Rob Leines (5:00), Dead Posey (4:00), Devon Gilfillian (3:00), Jaime Wyatt (2:00)

Maggie Mae’s   FREE

Tommy Rebel (11:00), Geno & His Rockaholics (9:00), Brush Poppers (5:00), Two Player (2:15), Angelina Rose (noon) [downsairs]; Chandler (11:00), the Weeds (9:00), the Revengers (5:00), Jake DeCasper (2:15), Fred Spence (noon) [upstairs]

Metropolis Apartments   FREE

Metropalooza day one w/ the Boleys (9:30), Psychotic Reaction (8:45), the Lowdown & Out (8:00), Mike Kiddoo (7:15), the Infinites (6:30), Trace of Lime (5:45), Ama (5:00), the Fourth Colour (4:15), Aaron Walman (3:30), Souls Extolled (2:45), Zebeeb (2:00)

Mozart’s Coffee Roasters, 7pm   FREE

USA Songwriting Competition showcase w/ Jamie Alimorad, Michael Wesley Stinson, Vân Scott, Justin Hooper & the Simple Parade, Keith Rayburn

The North Door, 8pm   RSVP

Peligrosa House

Opal Divine’s Austin Grill, 1pm   FREE

Flak Records presents Jon Langford & Friends, Mike McCoy, Eric Hisaw Band, Dunebuggy, Hungry Onions, the Rite Flyers, Utley3, Cordy Lavery, Cohen Project, Larry Seaman, Ramblin’ Deano, Denny Digorio, Brit Jones

Radio Milk   RSVP

Radio Milk Party day one w/ Surfer Blood (6:00), Mamalarky (5:00), Vanishing Twin (4:00), Ohmme (3:00), White Denim (1:30)

Sahara Lounge   $5

Jean Genie Touring Co. presents Vic N’ the Narwhals (6:30), Hot Garbage (5:45), the Blind Owls (5:00), Annie Taylor (4:15), Red Light Cameras (3:30), Meatraffle (2:45), the Blank Tapes (2:00)

Saxon Pub   FREE

Ben Goldsmith (1:45am), Stephen Clair (1:00), Barbara Nesbitt (12mid), Chris Berardo (11:00pm), GE Smith & LeRoy Bell (10:00), Chris Stills (9:00), Laura Cantrell (8:00); Electric Revival (noon); Jesse Collin Young (3:45)

Scottish Rite Theater, 10am   $5

I Love Schoolhouse Rock So Much & Daniel Johnston tribute w/ SaulPaul, Barton Hills Choir & Nakia, Adam & the Bull Shark, Red Yarn, Jon Langford, the Que Pastas, Lucky Diaz & the Family Jam Band, Kathy McCarty & Speeding Motorcycle, the Kat’s Pajamas, Lloyd H. Miller, Rockaroni & Cheese

Shangri-La   CANCELED

Midcoast Takeover day three w/ Nathan Corsi Band (12mid), Verbose (11:15pm), Headlight Rivals (10:30), Electric Lungs (9:45), Stiff Middle Fingers (9:00), VidCo Kult (8:15), Knife Crime (7:30), Killer City (6:45), Haunted Dolls (6:00), Nicole Springer Band (5:15), Lee Walter Redding (4:30), Arquesta del Sol Soul (3:45), & more

Side Bar, noon   RSVP

Jumpstart 13 w/ the Shivas, the Midgetmen, Lee Bains III & the Glory Fires, Good Morning, Bethlehem Steel, WOW, Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard, Frontier Folk Nebraska, Washer, Catholic Action, Near Beer, Top Nachos, Misguided Lemming

Spider House Ballroom   FACEBOOK

The Bird Barn & Gravitoyd presents Spider Ball w/ the Well (1:00am), Geezer (12mid), Rainbows Are Free (11:00), the Bobby Lees (10:20), Rickshaw Billie’s Burger Patrol (9:30), Irata (8:40), Yatra (7:50), the Glass Pack (7:00), Life (6:10), Sharkmuffin (5:20), the Electric Mud (4:30), Tia Carrera (3:40), Forebode (2:50), Temptress (2:00), Wooden Earth (1:10) [inside main stage]; Void Vator (9:20), Holy Death Trio (8:30), the Boleys (7:40), Warlung (6:50), Jason Kane & the Jive (6:00), Dayeater (5:10), Sundrifter (4:20), Pale Grey Lore (3:30), Smokey Mirror (2:40), Valles Flying Machine (1:50) [outside main stage]; Bridge Farmers (9:30), Switchblade Jesus (8:45), Monte Luna (7:55), Lowcaster (7:05), Suicide Cult (6:15), Secondhand Shag (5:25), Sunbuzzed (4:35), Maestro Maya (4:00), Marco & the Human (3:10), Grave Next Door (2:20), Mezzoa (1:30) [side stage]

Spokesman, 7pm   FACEBOOK

Beat Case w/ Samiyam, Open Mike Eagle, Rootbug, StormShadow, Ben Buck, Vapor Caves, Retr0gRaDe

Springdale General   FREE unofficial showcase w/ Stephan (6:00), Yot Club (5:00), Slideshow (4:00), Winona Forever (3:00), Current Blue (2:00), Sleeping Jesus (1:00), Far Caspian (noon)

St. Elmo Brewing Co.   FACEBOOK

Y’all Fest w/ Sweet Spirit (10:00), Ladyfang (8:30), Lizzie Karr (7:00), Trouble in the Streets (5:30), Milktoast Millie & the Scabby Knees (4:00), Tiarra Girls (2:30), the Totems (1:15)

Still Austin   FREE

Whiskey Rocks w/ Dead Poet Society (8:00), Elizabeth Moen (7:00), Kaitlyn Williams (6:00), Kayla Marque (5:00), Mary Moore (4:00), Brother Spellbinder (3:00), Mohawk Bends, John Pattie & Jul Big Green (2:00), Eli Wise, CJ Storm & E.G. Phillips (1:00)

Thicket   FREE

The Undisputed Champions (8:15), Osterity (7:30), Mary More (6:45), Tribes (6:00), Saint Spicer (5:00)

Third Place   $5 DONATION

Sleezehog presents Pinc Louds, Rosie Tucker, Hey Cowboy, Blushh, Manifest Destiny’s Child, Raavi & the Houseplants, Guppy, Sour Widows, DIY Sluts

Touché   FREE

Rock XS w/ Tough on Fridays (12mid), Savannah Rae (11:00pm), After Memphis (10:00), the Sexy Bananas (8:30), the Christopher Bros (7:30), Kate Van Dorn (6:30), Matthew Hunt (5:00), Dan Kattan (4:00), Hanna Barakat (3:00)

Vic Mathias Shores   CANCELED

SXSW Outdoor Stage day two w/ Margo Price (8:40), Soccer Mommy (7:35), the Band of Heathens (6:35), Whitney Rose (5:45)

Volcom Garden, 11am   FREE

Third Man Records day party w/ Black Lips, Mauskovic Dance Band, Cable Ties, Theon Cross, Teddy & the Rough Riders, Miranda & the Beat, Dry Cleaning, Silver Synthetic, Automatic, Shadow Show, Poppy Jean Crawford, Luke Schneider

Waterloo Records   CANCELED

The Murder Capital (6:00), Brian Fallon (4:30), Okay Kaya (3:00), Devon Gilfillian (1:30)

Webberville Baptist Church, 4pm   RSVP

Eastside Equinox w/ Golden Dawn Arkestra, TC Superstar, Max Pain & the Groovies, Flower Graves

Yeti Flagship, 1pm   CANCELED

Yeti Music Fest day three w/ Delta Spirit, Luna Aura, the Minks, Early James, Blackillac, the Still Tide, Palm Palm, Zach Schmidt, Neal Francis, Sierra Ferrell

Zilker Brewing Co., noon   FREE

UTOPiA Sessions day twoSATURDAY, MARCH 21

1501 Cesar Chavez   FREE

Spite Nites at Blue House day three w/ the Blind Owls (12:30am), Ladyfang (11:45pm), Teddy & the Rough Riders (11:00), Annie Taylor (10:15), the Whiffs (9:45), Brower (9:00), Lizdelise (8:30), Josephine (8:00), Midriff (7:30), Max Pain & the Groovies (7:00), Ganser (6:30), Sparkling (6:00), Nox Boys (5:30), Calliope Musicals (5:00), Winona Forever (4:30), Billy King & the Bad Bad Bad (4:00), Snailmate (3:30), Clarence James (3:00)

The 04 Lounge   FREE

Weekend at Chad’s w/ Mean Motor Scooter (1:00am), Hickoids (12mid), DiNOLA (11:00pm), Sweet Nothin (10:00), the Guillotines (9:00), Sudden Impulse Group (8:00), Dr. Green Dreams (7:00), Darwin’s Finches (6:00), Sabbath Crow (5:00), & more

4th Tap Brewing Co-op   FREE

Metal showcase w/ Bury the Rod (10:30), Vernon of Persia (9:00), Release the Captive (8:00), Royal Conspiracy (7:00)

512 Studios, noon   RSVP

Myne Music Lot Party

The Austin Beer Garden Brewing Co.   FREE

Nine Mile Touring day & night party w/ CJ Run (11:00), Harkrider (10:00), Nick Pagliari (9:00), Near Beer (8:00), the Wonder (6:30), Reb Fountain (5:30), Dirty Streets (5:00), Elijah Ford (4:15), Caitlin Sherman (3:30), Ward Hayden & the Outliers (2:45), Alexander Biggs (2:00)

Antone’s Nightclub   RSVP

Lafayette Live Sheauxkaze w/ New Natives Brass Band (12:45am), Brother Dege (11:30pm), Steve Riley & the Mamou Playboys (10:20), Chubby Carriet & the Bayou Swamp Band (9:10), Michael Doucet et Lacher Prise (8:00); Miles Davis House w/ Emma-Jean Thackray (5:00), Thornetta Davis (4:00), Long Beard (3:00), Lizzy & the Triggermen (2:00), the Lazy Eyes (1:00)

Antone’s Records   FREE

Frontier a Go Go w/ the Ugly Beats (6:00), the Sloths (5:00), Freddie Steady Revue (4:00), Eve & the Exiles (3:00), Nox Boys (2:00), the Blind Owls (1:00), Dirty Echoes (noon)

Banger’s Sausage House & Beer Garden   FREE

Piggyback Music Showcase day two w/ American Dreamer (10:00), Sour Bridges (7:30), Henri Herbert (5:00), the Boxcar Preachers (2:30), the Pearl Snaps (noon)

Barracuda, 11:30am   RSVP

Do512 presents the Big One w/ Duncan Fellows, Naked Giants, Mauskovic Dance Band, Banoffee, Spendtime Palace, Stuyedeyed, Palm Palm, Boyo, Horse Jumper of Love, Buffalo Nichols

Batch Craft Beer + Kolaches, noon   FREE

Tejas Sessions w/ Future Museums, More Eaze, Heavy Stars, City of Dawn, Akkad the Orphic Priest, itta, Xuiqen, Sunbeamer, Charlie Russell, David Dondero, Chase Weinacht, Tyler Jordan, Nadia Reid, & more

Beerland, 8pm   FREE

Nine Mile Records presents A. Sinclair, Sarah Burton, Sydney Wright, Ward Hayden & the Outliers, Löwin, the Deer

Better Half Coffee & Cocktails, noon   FREE

Thrasher Death Match day three

Big Easy Bar & Grill   FREE

Aunt Cindy’s Wicked Waltz day five w/ Irrevery (11:00), Holiday Music (10:15), Post-Mortem Response (9:30), Eternal Crimes (8:45), H.A.R.D. (6:30), Defanged (5:45), Astragal (4:15), Lackadazies (3:30), Maneka (2:45), Shadow Monster (2:00), Honey Cutt (1:15)

Blind Pig Pub, 1pm   FREE

Rock XS

Cedar Street Courtyard   CANCELED

British Music Embassy presents King Nun (5:30), Tim Burgess (4:40), the Dunts (3:50), Pizzagirl (3;00), Jordan Mackampa (2:10)

Continental Club   FREE

Mojo’s Mayhem w/ Mojo Nixon & the Toadliquors (5:00), the Iguanas (4:00), Genital Panic (3:00), Jon Dee Graham (1:00), Borealis (noon), the Mooks (11:00am), Allen Oldies Band (10:00), Polish Pete & the Polka? I Hardly Know Her Band (9:00)

Cosmic Coffee + Beer Garden   $20 DONATION

Sun Radio Sessions day four w/ Tami Nelson (5:00), Suzanna Choffel (4:00), Soul Asylum (2:00), Chuck Prophet (1:00)

Dirty Dog Bar   FREE

Dirty Fest w/ Union Kain (5:00), Zahna (4:00), Reviner (3:00), Fighting for Frequency (2:00), Neapolitan (1:00), Yella Belly (noon)

The Domain   RSVP

Rock + Read at the Domain w/ Lucky Diaz & the Family Jam Band (6:45), SaulPaul (6:00), El Tule (5:15), Adam & the Bullshark (4:30), the Que Pastas (3:45), Ms. Kat (2:00)

The Eastern, noon   FREE

Hollyville Live w/ DJ Do It All, DJ Fye Me Up

El Mercado South

Accomplice Entertainment presents Blevins (11:30), Jo James (10:15), Bobby Mack Band (7:15), Backwards on Purpose (6:00)

The Electric Church, 2pm   FACEBOOK

Golden Goat II w/ Triptides, Naked Giants, Smokey Brights, Pink Fuzz, the Cush, Nordista Freeze, Acid Carousel, the Medium, Forest Ray, Hooveriii, H.A.R.D., India Tigers in Texas, Sunbuzzed, Boscomujo, Smock, King Country, Starfruit, Heaven Honey, Maestro Maya, Don’t, the Ragcoats, Smoker Dad, VLLY

Full Circle Bar   FREE

Aunt Cindy’s Wicked Waltz day five w/ Teddy & the Rough Riders (9:00), Late Nite Laundry (8:15), Eternal Something (7:30), Sleeping Jesus (6:45), Banny Grove (6:00), Cactus? (5:15), Milly (4:30), Cheap Wave (3:45), James Swanberg (3:00), Friendship (2:15), Joey Nebulous (1:30), Atlas Engine (12:45), Lemon of Choice (noon)

Half Step   FREE

Kalu & the Electric Joint (4:30), the Reverent Few (3:00), Mad Beets (1:00), DJ Dug Fresh (noon)

Half Step, 9pm   FREE

Juice DJ showcase w/ DJ Candlestick, DJ Iceberg, Corey Townes, DJ Edica, DJ A-Tron, DJ Cee Watts, DJ Hollywood Cook, Tazia Alexa, DJ WillAye

Hotel San José, noon   FREE

South by San José day four w/ Golden Dawn Arkestra, Seratones, Lido Pimienta, Josiah Johnson, Arlo Parks, Kiki Valera y Su Son Cubano, the Tomboys, the Avocados

Hotel Van Zandt   $5 DONATION

ACL Radio’s Live Morning Broadcast day four (8am)

Hotel Vegas, 2pm   CANCELED

Burgermania day one w/ Hunt Sales Memorial, Tobin Sprout, Chuck Prophet, the Paranoyds, Shadow Show, Protex, the Exbats, the Flytraps, Psychic Bloom, Rollingchild, John Wesley Coleman, the Shivas, Dressy Bessy, the Sloths, Hammered Satin, James Swanberg, II Tone, Mexico City Blondes, Thomas Mudrick, Elephant Stone, Jealous, & more

Lazarus Brewing Co.   FREE

Music for Listeners w/ Demitasse (7:00), the School (6:00), Kate Davis (4:00), Siobhan Wilson (3:00), Emma-Jean Thackray (2:00), Luke De-Sciscio (1:00), Salim Nourallah (noon)

The Liberty   FREE

Catastica! (1:00am), the Glasspack (12mid), Lazer Fire (11:10pm), OMGWTFBBQ (10:20), Sabbath Crow (9:30), Tribes (8:40), El Solista (7:50), Suckling (7:00), Byråkrat (6:10), Oregon Space Trail of Doom (5:20), Big Foot Chester (4:30), Ouiness (3:40), the Fontanelles (2:50)

Little Woodrow’s Sixth   RSVP

Party in My Pants showcase day three

Little Woodrow’s Southpark Meadows, 7:30pm   GET TICKETS

Rhythm & Flow hip-hop showcase w/ Nikee Turbo, 3fortiori, ChampionXIII, J-Clark, Party Boi Rokk, Tribe Mafia, Rene, A-Slab, Benny Mitch, Ruuch, David Shabanni, 90one, Mr C Dat Boi P, Ozzeydoesit, Jimmie Tha God, FYF, Jay Trouble, & more

The Lost Well, 2pm   FREE

Northwest Hesh Fest day party w/ Yatra, the Glasspack, Suicide Cult, Deserts of Mars, DJ Devilwoman

Love Goat, 5:30pm   GET TICKETS

Infinity Fest w/ Aiming for Enrike, Trashdog, Portage, Hawkins A/V Club, Speak Memory, Wait & Shackle, SubuTech, My Day at the Races, Erebus, Anime, Zingaro, Science Penguin, the Indecisive, Onion Bun, Inoculous, Guitar Fight From Fooly Cooly, Echo Lad, Goodwill Good Will, Hyper Olympic, Mángo

Lucy’s Fried Chicken   FREE

Fried Chicken Revival day four w/ Shinyribs (6:00), Barfield (5:00), the Mastersons (4:00), Bobby Patterson (3:00), Waco Brothers (2:00), the Iguanas (1:00), the Rubilators (noon)

Metropolis Apartments   FREE

Metropalooza day two w/ the Space Corps (8:15), I Am God (7:30), Ayee1Ayee (6:55), GK (6:05), Sincere (5:40), Zet Zero (5:00), Tra4Duce (4:25), Uncle Pizza (3:55), Charlie Madness (3:25), Oreja (2:45), Blue Tongue (2:00), Shayna Sands (1:15), GK (12:30), Perth (noon)

Nasha, 5pm   FREE

South by Free East w/ Taking Meds, Spree, Capture Phase, Sunbuzzed

The North Door, 8pm   RSVP

Peligrosa House

One-2-One Bar, 2pm

Sonority Music Group showcase w/ Lion Heights, Sgt. Remo, Soulfiya & Wi’Deya, Rev Ray & the Idle Hands

Oskar Blues Brewery Austin   FREE

Hideout Showcase w/ Kiko Villamizar (8:30), Money Chicha (7:10), Como Las Movies (5:50), Nemegata (4:30), DJ Greg Gonzalez (4:00)

Radio Milk   RSVP

Radio Milk Party day two w/ the Orielles (6:00), Dan Luke & the Raid (5:00), Abram Shook (4:00), Pom Poko (3:00), White Denim (1:45), Malin Pettersen (1:00)

Saxon Pub   FREE

Walt Wilkins (4:30), Chris Berardo (3:45), Lizzie (3:00), Kevin Daniel (2:15), Chris Stills (1:30), Laura Cantrell (12:45), Bill Small (noon)

Scholz Garten, 2pm   GET TICKETS

Hard Country w/ Black Lips, Charley Crockett, Sarah Shook & the Disarmers, Garrett T. Capps, Croy & the Boys, Disko Cowboy, Wrestlers, Terrell, DJ Jester the Filipino Fist

Shangri-La   CANCELED

Midcoast Takeover day four w/ Almighty Trouble Brothers (12mid), Wonderfuzz (11:15), Hi-Lux (10:30), Pink Fuzz (9:45), Jesus Loves the Atom Bomb (9:00), In’ere (8:15), Various Blonde (7:30), the Travel Guide (6:45), Dead Voices (6:00), Strawbilly (5:15), Monta at Odds (4:30), & more

Spider House Ballroom   FREE

Aunt Cindy’s Wicked Waltz day five w/ Slideshow (9:45), Poppies (9:00), Cindy Cane (8:15), Winter (7:30), Clone (6:45), Strange Lot (6:00), Patti (5:15), Cuffed Up (4:30), Washer (3:45), U.S. Nero (3:00), Shell of a Shell (2:15), Gully Boys (1:30), Superbody (12:45), Hnry Flwr (noon) [outside]; Bethlehem Steel (4:30), Strange Ranger (3:45), Disq (3:00), Cindy Cane (2:15), Justus Proffit (1:30), Peaer (12:45), Necking (noon) [inside]

Spokesman, 11am   FREE

Breakbeat BBQ w/ Sinistarr, Sonic D, Def-i, Eva, DJ APX1, FreshtillDef, Ohmen, Jah Bliddie, Q.45, 360 Degrees, Blang b2b Squake, Drrtypanc


Young Hearts Roadside Attraction w/ Sad13, Fea, Calliope Musicals, Cousin Tony’s Brand New Firebird, Cable Ties, Go Fever, Kills Birds, Smokey Brights, Fanclub, the Minks, Lord Friday the 13th, Credit Card, Nevil, Violinda

Still Austin   FREE

Whiskey Rocks w/ Dub Equis (8:00), Great Highway (7:00), Lorena Leigh (6:00), the Spider Ferns (5:00), Fat Mojo (4:00), Stuntdriver (3:00), Aliza Hava, Raye Zaragoza & Sam Hale (2:00), Thaddeaus Gonzalez, Melody Federer & Samantha Margret (1:00)

Thicket   FREE

Beans Brown & the Letdowns (8:45), Tom Littlejohn Band (8:15), the Maptles (7:30), Mary More (6:45), Dillon Biggs (6:00), the Discount Pills (5:15), Backseat Soundtrack (4:15), Nilsa Umbre (3:15), Midnights Bleeding Heart (2:30), Sage Suede (1:45), the Randease (1:00), the Band Good (12:15), Pastime (11:30am)

Touché   FREE

Rock XS w/ Kabuto (12mid), Railer (11:00pm), Sub Radio (10:00), Shelly Knight (8:30), Overseas Love Crisis (7:30), Dan Rohde (6:30), Latex Grenade (5:00), TX Mic Massacre (4:00), the Sedonas (3:00)

Unit 108, 9pm   FACEBOOK

Death of Affect presents Hive Mind, Lower Tar, Closed City, CBN, Private Service, Scan Hellscape, Mental Abortion, Berkeley & Jonathan

Velveeta Room, 7pm   GET TICKETS

Exploding in Sound Records SXSW Party w/ Washer, Bethlehem Steel, Shell of a Shell, Maneka, Borzoi, Anna Altman

Vic Mathias Shores   CANCELED

SXSW Outdoor Stage day three w/ Selena for Sanctuary feat. Carla Morrison, Victoria La Mala, Goyo, Sofia Reyes, Nina Diaz, Chris Perez, San Cha, Lehman High School Band, Wil-Dog, & more (8:10); Chris Perez Project (7:30), Principe Q (7:00), Superfónicos (6:00)

Wright Bros. Brew & Brew   FREE

Twisted Nerve presents Audiolab 2020 w/ Stella & the Very Messed, Closed for Cleaning, Gentlemen Rogues, Quiet Company, Mt. Grey, Urban Heat, Paper Sister, Ram Vela & the Easy Targets, Stretch Panic, Easy Prey, Liferaft, Cortége, Lovelorn

Yeti Flagship, 1pm   CANCELED

Yeti Music Fest day four w/ Black Lips, Moving Panoramas, Pokey LaFarge, Leon III, Mobley, Cut Throat Finches, Devon Gilfillian, James Steinle, the Fin., Zac Wilkerson

Zilker Brewing Co., noon   FREE

UTOPiA Sessions day threeSUNDAY, MARCH 22

The Carpenter Hotel   FREE

Spacin’ w/ Little Mazarn, ST 37, Carl Stone, Garrett T. Capps y NASA Country, Thor & Friends, Tara Bhattacharya Reed, Chromic, DJ Honky Tonk Amnesia, DJ Derek Daniel

Dirty Dog Bar   FREE

Dirty Fest w/ Color Chemistry (10:30), KOKO (9:45), Sharone (9:00), Pluto Da Don (8:15), Let the Wolves Speak (7:30), Unzane (6:45), Elastic Cactus (6:00), Graffiti Air (5:15), Thrill Theory (4:30), Diana’s Lion (3:45)

Full Circle Bar   FREE

Aunt Cindy’s Wicked Waltz day six w/ the Pinky Rings (8:00), Venus Twins (7:15), Hey Cowboy (6:30), TVOD (5:45), Shana Falana (5:00), Hooveriii (4:15), Shadow Year (2:45), Blacks’ Myths (2:00) [inside]; Credit Card (6:30), Cindy Cane (5:45), the Whiffs (5:00), the Crying Angels (4:15), Thick (3:30), Moon Kissed (2:00), Laveda (1:15), Zilched (12:30) [outside]

Guero’s Taco Bar

Bob Fuentes presents El Tule (5:00), Henri Herbert (4:00), Rochelle & the Sidewinders (3:00), Wink Keziah (2:00), Jelly (1:00), Buenos Diaz (noon)

Hotel Vegas, 2pm   CANCELED

Burgermania day two w/ the Posies, Part Time, Nevil, the Zoltars, Nolan Potter’s Nightmare Band, the Aquadolls, Rotten Mangos, Annabelle Chairlegs, Rainy Decades, the Bobby Lees, the Players’ Lounge, the Whiffs, Flowerbed, Loteria, Bad Lovers, Wurve, Smock, & more

The Lost Well   FREE

The Big Hangover Show w/ Taverner (8:00), Sabbath Crow (7:00), Black Eyed Vermillion (6:00), Greasestreak (5:00), Shed Alfred (4:00)

Lucy’s Fried Chicken   FREE

Fried Chicken Revival day five w/ Ray Wylie Hubbard (6:00), Western Youth & Jaimee Harris (5:00), Jon Dee Graham & William Harris Graham (4:00), Dustin Welch (3:00), Johnny Nicholas (2:00), Banditos (1:00), Mother Neff (noon)

Metropolis Apartments   FREE

Metropalooza day three w/ You Said Strange (9:00), Haze County (8:30), High Noon & the Old Souls (7:45), Snakes of Babylon (7:00), Flydecay (6:15), Nordista Freeze (5:30), Daniel Rhodes (4:45), Pongo (4:00)

Saxon Pub   $10

Ben Goldsmith (1:45am), Love & Chaos (1:00), Buenos Diaz (12mid), Dustin Welch (11:00pm), Joshua & the Holy Rollers (10:00), Nathan Graham (9:00), Karen Jonas (8:00)

Side Bar, noon   CANCELED

Chili Dog Fest XI

Unit 108, 6pm   FACEBOOK

Get Real showcase w/ No Right, Soul Blind, Ballista, Sanity Slip, Cease All Control, Mangala

  1. Se eu tivesse comprado passagem, hotel, etc e não conseguisse cancelar, eu também iria com certeza. Acho que deve ser o caso de muitos por lá.

  2. Hahahaha, Power to the People! É isso aí, no fim o SXSW é das pessoas que se reúnem por lá. Se a organização pulou fora, então que as bandas e as festas aconteçam mesmo por conta própria porque cancelar assim tão em cima da hora foi, além de uma medida exagerada, uma sacanagem sem tamanho com todo esse pessoal.

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