Home Mark Wahlberg Updates AT&T’s Terms and Conditions, and They’re Much Cooler Now

Mark Wahlberg Updates AT&T’s Terms and Conditions, and They’re Much Cooler Now


By Erik Oster, AdFreak (original)

BBDO has launched a new campaign for AT&T starring Mark Wahlberg, playing off the idea of an updated “terms and conditions” for viewers who want to watch TV everywhere.

“Terms and Conditions” follows BBDO’s “Everywhere” effort in January focusing on the accessibility of AT&T’s DirecTV offering. Last month, AT&T announced the signing of an exclusive deal with Wahlberg to appear in a series of ads. “Terms and Conditions,” and the accompanying “Rooms” and “Unlimited” spots, mark the beginning of that collaboration, with new ads starring Wahlberg expected in the coming weeks.

The 90-second “Terms and Conditions” opens with Wahlberg announcing that “the entertainment-loving people of America have updated our terms and conditions.”

Among the new terms? Every device can function as a television and stream our favorite shows, naturally, including “all that sweet live stuff,” unlimited HBO wherever, whenever, and a certain “valuable and underappreciated public service” that just might put you to sleep.


30 Rock alumni Tracy Morgan and James Marsden (the latter as a dying Teddy from Westworld) also make brief appearances in the spot, which will run in 60- and 30-second broadcast versions in addition to the full-length :90 online. The campaign continues the approach introduced in “Everywhere” of hyping DirecTV’s accessibility, only while that spot crammed as many nostalgic references into its runtime as possible, “Terms and Conditions” instead takes a broader view of DirecTV’s appeal and sticks to contemporary references.



Agency: BBDO
Client: AT&T
Title: Terms & Conditions

Chief Creative Officer, Worldwide: David Lubars
Chief Creative Officer, New York: Greg Hahn
Executive Creative Director, AT&T: Matt MacDonald
Executive Creative Director, AT&T Entertainment Group: Steven Fogel
Executive Creative Director, AT&T Entertainment Group: Doug Fallon
Senior Creative Director: Rob Munk
Senior Creative Director: Mark Voehringer

Managing Director: Doug Walker
Group Account Director: Lesley Brown
Group Account Director: Allie Clark
Account Director: Laura Perrizo
Account Supervisor: Shelby Remer

Group Executive Producer: Julie Collins
Executive Producer: Dan Blaney

Production Company: Pony Show Entertainment
Director: Peter Berg
Owner: Susan Kirson, Jeff Frankel
Executive Producer: Helga Gruber
Head of Production: Gareth Wood

Editorial: Mackenzie Cutler
Editor: Gavin Cutler
Assistant Editor: Pam Petruski
Executive Producer: Gina Pagano
Final Mix: Sam Shaffer

Executive Producer: Rachael Trillo
Senior Producer: Nirad “Bugs” Russell
Workshare Producer (LA): Marcus Speaker
Workshare Producer (Chicago): Mike Pullan
VFX Supervisor: Nathan Kane
VFX Supervisor: Christian Nielsen
2D Lead Artist: Nathan Kane
3D Lead Artist: Christian Nielsen

2D Artists: Nick Tanner, Ben Kwok, Dae Yoon Kang, Jamie Beckwith, Jamin Clutcher, Krissy Nordella, Michael Smith

3D Artists: Adam Dewhirst, Anna Cardillo, Ahmed Elmatarawi, Cedric Mernard, Cole Clark, Henning Koczy, Jeff Lopez, John Wilson, Jonathan Muller, Justin Miller, Kevin Ives, Krystal Sae Eua, Laura Sayan, Navdeep Singh, Nole Murphy, Ren Hsien-Hsu, Samantha Pedregon, Sharlene Lin, Ylli Orana, Yong Chan Kim
Concept Design: Kurt Kaufman
Design: Anthony Dodero, Christopher Mennuto

Group Colour Director: Dee Allen
Senior Colour Producer: Natalie Westerfield
Colour Coordinator: Elizabeth Nagle
Colourist: Fergus McCall
Colour Assist: Daniel Moisoff, Nate Seymour, Zach Wilpon, Amanda Bernhardt

Graphics: Spontaneous
Executive Producer: Bryce Edwards

Graphics: Squad47
Executive Producer: Steve Greenstein

Sound Design: Brian Emrich

Anthem/Rooms Music: The Kills/The Future Starts Slow
Unlimited Music: Louder Productions

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