Ah, como é bom dar de cara com um comercial que não tem bebê, cachorro, alienígena e velhinho dançando, só para lembrar como a boa propaganda ainda encanta e funciona. Conceito, roteiro, direção… tudo primoroso nesse comercial que presta tributo ao “nada”, criado pela DDB de Paris.
O texto
There’s nothing quite like nothing.
Nothing is where everything comes from.
You can’t see it but nothing is everywhere.
Nothing, is beautiful.
And it’s always a good start.
You can live on nothing,
Believe in nothing,
Laugh at nothing.
Nothing is often what we do best
Nothing is the most powerful thing we say
Nothing is quite something
It’s even the best thing that could happen to you.
Volkswagen Innovations.
We make The Future Real
Ficha Técnica
Executive Creative Director: Alexander Kalchev
Head of copy: Patrice Dumas
Copywriter: Benoît Oulhen
Art Director: Mickaël Jacquemin
Agency Team: Alban Callet, Stéphanie Leray, Delphine Rigaud, Coralie Bouillier
TV Producer: Emilie Talpaert
Client Team: Thierry Sybord, Ghislain Laffite, Timothée Gazeau, Stéphanie Baron
Production Company: Henry
Director: Clemens Purner
Music Supervisor: Marine Cremer
Sound Production: Studio 5
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